The capstone registration form is now open :
Additional information on the capstones that will be offered next year is listed below. Some faculty have not yet provided detailed descriptions, so I’ll post updates as I receive them.
1. Advanced Internet Systems CSE 454
a. Design of Internet search engines, including spider architecture, inverted indices, frequency rankings, latent semantic indexing, hyperlink analysis, and refinement interfaces. Construction of scalable and secure web services. Datamining Webserver logs to provide personalized and user-targeted services. Large project.
See last year’s website to get a better sense of how the class works.
Prereqs: 326 or 332
Strongly recommended: several of the following: 444,446,451,461,473
1. Sound Capstone: more information TBD, prereq at least 326 or 332 and preferably one 400 level project course
2. Accessibility capstone: see last years’ course web
a. As cell phones become more capable with connectivity with the internet and sensors such as cameras, compasses, GPS, and accelerometers, there are opportunities to use them as accessibility or assistive devices. In this capstone, students will work in teams to create new applications on cell phones that allow persons with disabilities to accomplish tasks that would be difficult to impossible to do without their applications. An example would be an application for a blind person that would take a picture of a bar code on a product, decode it, look it up on the internet, then speak the name of the product. Teams will then implement and test their concepts as working applications. Teams will prepare written reports on their applications and present their applications in a public poster session where persons with disabilities will be invited.
Prerequisites: Completion of 300 level majors courses.
1. 477 Hardware Capstone:
a. Prerequisites: CSE 466; 467 and 451 (or permission of instructor) 466 must be completed however.
2. 481: Capstone Design for Low-Resource Settings, Professor Borriello
CSE490D – Spring 2011 – Capstone Design for Low-Resource Settings
a. Mobile computing offers many opportunities to bring information technology to
low-resource settings. These are environments with limited infrastructure (power, connectivity, literacy, etc.) and
that require particularly low-cost low-overhead solutions (low-income
communities, developing regions around the world, etc.). In this
capstone, we will focus on real problems faced in these settings and
develop solutions that will rely heavily on mobile and cloud
computing. The types of projects and skills needed will depend on the
particular issues addressed (chosen during Fall 2010) and there will
undoubtedly be opportunities for students with a variety of
backgrounds (e.g., networking, vision, embedded systems, HCI, mobile
computing, sensor networks, etc.). In past offerings, projects have
dealt with education in rural schools, delivering health care to
remote areas, web marketing of indigenous art, transportation
information, and environmental monitoring, among others. The work
will be group-based with each ranging from 2 to 4 students and each
project will be connected to potential “customers”, that is, users or
deployers, of the resulting systems.
The principal prerequisites are maturity in dealing with a range of
programming environments (although they will mostly be Java-based,
e.g., Android phones, Google AppEngine) and a commitment to solve real
problems that will help real people. In Winter 2011, there will be a
2-credit project definition seminar that is highly recommended *but
not required*. This will be in conjunction with an HCDE course led by
Prof. Beth Kolko that will formally analyze problems and set a basic
plan for solutions. CSE490D will then bring these solutions to the
prototype stage. We also expect the successful projects to lead to
actual field deployments and evaluation – and eventual publication at
relevant workshops and conferences.
3. CSE 428: Computational Biology Capstone
In the current revolution of high-throughput experimental methods in genomics, biologists are relying more heavily than ever on computational analyses. In this capstone course, students will explore software development for real problems that arise in the analysis of such data. The application area will be sequence analysis, which is the problem of predicting which regions of biological sequences (DNA, RNA, protein) are biologically functional, and predicting what their functions might be. Solving such problems often involves aspects of data structures, algorithm design and analysis, discrete mathematics, machine learning, statistics, molecular biology, and genetics. However, you will not need to know any biology beforehand: the first few lectures will tell you the basics that you need to get started.
i. Each team will design, implement, and experiment with software for a current research problem in Computational Molecular Biology. The team will test its tool on real biological data and present the results at the end of the quarter. There is a real sense of exploration and discovery in this area.
ii. This capstone has been offered four times in the past and all were quite successful. For details on those offering of the course, see .
iii. Prerequisites: CSE 326 and substantial programming experience. CSE 427 and/or BIOL 180 are recommended but not necessary.
4. Games Capstone: prereq CSE 326 or 332, and a 400 level project course, previous game/graphics experience a plus
5. OS Capstone: Students work in small teams to design, implement, and test extensions to the Windows Operating System. The projects are chosen by the students with instructor approval.
Prerequisite is CSE451.
CSE Advising