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Sign up for the Undergraduate Research Seminar – Spring 2012

Looking for an additional credit? Interested in learning about research in the department? There’s still room in CSE 497: Undergraduate Research Seminar. The seminar will meet on Fridays from 12:30 to 1:20 in CSE 403.

More info can be found on the previous blog announcement: /2012/03/16/cse-497-undergraduate-research-seminar-now-on-the-time-schedule/

March 27, 2012

Robotics seminar

Robotics seminar, advanced upper classman can contact Professor Fox regarding permission to register.


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Dieter Fox <>
Date: Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 10:40 AM
Subject: Robotics Colloquium 590R
To: faculty – Mailing List <>, Mailing List – cs-grads <>, Cs-Ugrads <>

I am very excited to announce the new UW CSE Robotics Colloquium. This colloquium
will feature a mix of invited and local faculty presenting a broad set of topics in

Time:     Fridays 2:30pm
Location: CSE 305
Signup:   590R

We’ll kick off the series with a talk by Andrea Thomaz from Georgia Tech. Andrea is
doing some of the most interesting work in human robot interaction, which is becoming
a very hot topic in robotics.

The list of all speakers and topics is at

Very best,


March 26, 2012

[cs-ugrads] Spring quarter CSE590F – Reading and Research in Computing for Development

one credit seminar open to ugrads

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Gaetano Borriello <>
Date: Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:10 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Spring quarter CSE590F – Reading and Research in Computing for Development

Join us for the CSE 590F (ICTD Seminar – Computing for Development) on
Tuesdays at 1:30 in CSE 203.  This quarter we will be discussing
papers from the recent DEV and ICTD conferences held in Atlanta in
March 2012.

The first day’s paper is already set:

Shreddr: pipelined paper digitization for low-resource organizations.

Nicki Dell will be leading the discussion with help from others.
After that, we’ll get volunteers for the other 9 papers and possibly
re-arrange them.

See for the list
of papers for this quarter (unordered except for the first).

If you have any interest in applying computing, information, and
communication technology to real-world problems, please consider

Gaetano Borriello and Richard Anderson

March 23, 2012

599 personal robotics, ugrads may register with permission of instructor

If you are interested in taking this course and are not a CS grad student, please contact Josh…add codes are now available.

Joshua R Smith <>

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Joshua R Smith <>
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:41 AM
Subject: CSE 599 Personal Robotics Clinic: Algorithms & Applications
To: Cs-Grads <>,
Cc: Faculty <>,

Restr  12587 J  3       WF     1030-1150  CSE  503      SMITH,JOSHUA R.            Open      0/  15
                        PERSONAL ROBOTICS

CSE 599  Personal Robotics Clinic: Algorithms & Applications

The Personal Computer allowed ordinary people to use computers for countless new applications, most of which had not been imagined when PCs first emerged.  Today’s Personal Robotics researchers are imagining and prototyping tomorrow’s robotic applications, and the algorithms that these applications need.

In this “seminar-clinic” course, students will read and present recent papers on Personal Robotics applications.  They will also implement and present classic robotics algorithms that are relevant to Personal Robotics.  The term “clinic” refers to the hands on software implementation projects.  The goal of the course as a whole is to stimulate thinking about new Personal Robotics applications, and build the skills needed to implement them.

Students will be provided with a custom simulation / visualization environment (written in Python running on Ubuntu Linux, and available as a pre-configured Virtual Machine) to support their implementation of path planning algorithms.  Other tools and environments (such as Matlab, C++, or Java) can be used at the student’s discretion.  In order to keep the focus on learning the algorithms, rather than on learning libraries, the course will NOT emphasize existing packages or libraries (such as ROS).

Left: Personal Robot folding a towel.  Right: Animated visualization of the RRT planning algorithm, using the course tools.


The algorithms subject matter in the course will adapt to student interests, but will include

  • path planning algorithms including A*, RRT (Rapidly Exploring Random Tree) search, and planners based on solving the Laplace equation, and may include
  • path smoothing
  • arm forward kinematics
  • arm inverse kinematics (direct and Jacobian iterative methods)
  • arm planning
  • collision detection algorithms
  • grasping

The course will not focus on vision, learning, or control, topics that are addressed in other UW courses.


The course will include a final project, which can be chosen by the student, or suggested by the instructor.  The final project will be similar to the earlier implementation projects, but greater in scope.  In some cases it will be an extension of the earlier projects.


Students will be expected to participate actively.  Each student will

present application papers (twice)

implement and present an algorithm (twice)

implement and present a final project

Students will not all implement the same algorithms, to increase the breadth of topics that the group as a whole explores.  The number of student presentations will be reduced if necessary for scheduling reasons.


Instructor: Joshua Smith

Meeting place: CSE 503.  Time: MW 10:30-11:50

3 credits.  Limited to 15 students.  Prerequisites: permission of instructor.  Adventurous undergraduates will be accepted if space permits.


Sample Personal Robotics Readings

Clothing manipulation:

“Bringing Clothing into Desired Configurations with Limited Perception,” Marco Cusumano-Towner, Arjun Singh, Stephen Miller, James F. O’Brien, Pieter Abbeel, ICRA 2011


Mobile manipulation:

“Cart Pushing with a Mobile Manipulation System: Towards Navigation with Moveable Objects”

Jonathan Scholz, Sachin Chitta, Bhaskara Marthi, and Maxim Likhachev.  ICRA 2011


Sample Algorithm readings:


“RRT Connect: An Efficient Approach to Single-Query Path Planning”

Kuffner, LaValle, ICRA 2000


“Space-Filling Trees: A New Perspective on Incremental Search for Motion Planning”, James J. Kuffner, Steven M. LaValle, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2011


Laplace planning:

Path Planning Using Laplace’s Equation, Connolly, Burns, Weiss, ICRA, 1990


Arm Kinematics


Spong Chap 3, Forward Kinematics, the Denavit-Hartenberg Convention


Direct solution

Spong Chap 4, Inverse Kinematics

Iterative Jacobian solution

“Overview of Damped Least-Squares Methods for Inverse Kinematics of Robot Manipulators,” Arati S. Deo and Ian D. Walker, J. Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Kluwer 14: 43-68,1995

Joshua R. Smith
Associate Professor, Depts. of CSE & EE, University of Washington
Box 352350 [Express mail: add “185 Stevens Way”]
Seattle, WA 98195-2350, USA
Office: CSE 556; Lab: EE 359
March 21, 2012

Animation Course Series Information Sessions

Application for CSE 458

Want to learn more about the 2012-2013 animation course series? Attend an info session!


  • Monday April 9th, 2:00 PM
  • Thursday April 26th, 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday May 2nd, 2:00 PM


Paul G. Allen Center room 691 (Gates Commons, 6th floor)


Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) and the Animation Research Labs invite you to an information session on the Animation Production undergraduate course sequence at UW Seattle. This sequence runs from Summer 2012 (A term) through Spring 2013. The Summer course, Story Design for Computer Animation, is highly recommended but optional.

The Animation Capstone culminates in a very professional and exciting collaboratively produced digital short film, similar in process to Disney/Pixar and Dreamworks productions. Examples of previous award winning films produced in the dept will be shown and questions regarding applications and admission, etc. will be addressed. We look forward to seeing you there. Light refreshments will be served.

March 16, 2012

Seminar announcement: Change – technology in underserved populations

From: Nicola Dell <>
Date: Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:09 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Seminar announcement: Change

In preparation for the spring quarter I wanted to invite you all to register for the one credit Change Seminar (CSE590C1, SLN:12542) on Thursdays at noon in the Paul Allen Center (Room 203).

Change is a group of faculty, students, and staff at the UW who are exploring the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in improving the lives of underserved populations, particularly in the developing world. We are cover topics such as global health, education, microfinance, agricultural development, and general communication, and look at how technology can be used to improve each of these areas.

This quarter we will be alternating between talks by invited speakers and group discussions. Those who sign up for credit may be asked to participate in leading one of the discussions (this requires very little work and can be done in groups). We are in the process of scheduling speakers, so stay tuned to our calendarTwitter, or mailing list for more information.

Please consider enrolling. If you are unable to enroll, feel free to come to any of the meetings you are interested in attending! The seminar is available for all UW students and the content is designed to be widely accessible. We encourage students from all departments to enroll/attend if interested.

Please forward this message to the relevant mailing lists, and we hope to see you on Thursday March 29th at noon in Room 203 of the Paul Allen Center.

March 9, 2012

CSE 441 counts as CS “Additional Core or Capstone” course

Hi CS majors. I’m writing to clarify one of your requirements.

Within your “CS Senior Electives” (33 credits total), the second requirement states “Either 1 additional course from the CSE Core Courses list or 1 course from the CSE Capstone list on the CSE website.”

You know what Core and Capstone courses are. In addition to those two categories, we’re also finalizing a list of approved project courses that will fulfill this requirement. We will publish the finalized list soon. For Spring 2012, know that CSE 441 will apply toward your CS “Additional Core or Capstone” requirement.

The above applies to CS majors. For CE majors, 441 counts toward the “Additional courses from the CSE Electives list,” not as a Capstone or Core course for CE.

– CSE Advising

March 8, 2012

Space still available in CSE 477, Digital System Design!

Need another CSE course in spring? Want some exciting project experience? CSE 477 has space, sounds super interesting, the prereqs are somewhat flexible, and you get to work with MacArthur “Genius” Grant winner Shwetak Patel.
———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Shwetak Patel <>
Date: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: cse 477

The aim of 477 is to work on an end to end class project that combines hardware and software (i.e., embedded systems), which will prove valuable to have in your portfolio and resume. This spring, we’ll talk about new embedded platforms, learn about software radios, PCB layout and design, 3d printing of cases, and other concepts. This year we are lucky to have a large company donate a new embedded consumer electronics device (not available to the public yet), which we will have the opportunity to hack and build new capabilities on top of. This platform is called WeMo (, which is a WiFi-based home automation system recently debuted at CES. Some of your projects may have a chance of making it into the final product release!

Although CSE 467 is listed as a pre-requisite for this class, a strong understanding of the concepts in CSE 466 or EE 472 is more than sufficient. Please contact the instructor if you have any questions.


March 7, 2012

Special course: Law for engineers, 1 credit, not graded

1 credit Cr/Nc

Mondays 3:30 – 4:20
134 Sieg Hall

Course Description: Engineering and legal principles govern most everything in our society today. This course examines and explains the practical application of the law to engineering, and assists the engineer in industry, higher education, and life. Topics focus on intellectual property law, business and contract law, tort law, and engineering ethics. Discussions explore patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, specifically what they are, how to obtain them, how to use them, and how to lose them. Additionally, the class considers how businesses are started and governed, product liability law, and the ethical duties an engineer owes to an employer and the public. This course is applicable to all engineering disciplines.

Instructor: Joel Lohrmeyer, J.D.

SLN 10016 AA498A and 10053 AA598A

Course Assignments and Grading:
In-class participation. Optional out of class exercises.
Remit feedback to the instructor

More detailed information may be found at:*

Course web page may not be active yet.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012

Home Networking capstone demo! Today (Wed) 3:30-4:10 in CSE Atrium

Home networking students create homes of the future! Come see their work!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: John Zahorjan <>
Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:53 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Home Network Capstone presentations tomorrow

CSE 481m, the Home Networking Capstone course, will be presenting its work tomorrow:

Wednesday, March 7
CSE Atrium

The 13 students in this course worked on a single project, attempting to build something we weren’t sure could be built.

What was it? Did we manage to build it?

Come tomorrow to for answers to those and other nagging questions, and a chance to ask your own.

Wednesday, March 7
CSE Atrium

March 7, 2012

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