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EE 400 leadership seminar – open to CE and CS majors

Restr  13280 A  1       F      1030-1120  SMI  304      LIN,LIH-YUAN               Open     57/  80  CR/NC               
                        LEADERSHIP SEMINAR                                                                                                                                  
                        WILL ONLY MEET FRIDAYS   

EE 400 seminar flyer 2015

CS majors can register, but there was a glitch when I first posted it, so please try again.
November 26, 2014

427 – update on prereqs

While CSE 312 is a new prereq to CSE 427, there will be an exception this winter that will allow students without CSE 312 to still register.


Although the course is full right now, I expect space to open up over the next few weeks.



November 26, 2014

2 credit CubeSAT design course in winter quarter for undergraduate students

Winter Quarter 2015
ESS490H: Special Topics – CubeSAT
SLN: 21429
The Earth and Space Science Department (through the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory – will be competing in the CubeSAT Centennial Challenge ( This challenge involves designing and builidng a CubeSAT capable to traveling beyond the moon. We are seeking undergraduate and graduate students across all disciplines to participate in the development of this system. ESS490 for winter quarter will consist of lectures and a satellite subsystem research topic for presentation. Questions can be directed towards Dr. Robert Winglee (
November 25, 2014

EE 371: Design of Digitl Circuits and Systems (will eventually replace CSE 352)

Prereq is the new 2 credit CSE 390c

EE 371 will replace CSE 352 for CE majors: This is a pilot program that, if successful, we will continue to broaden next year.  Taking 371 will open up several EE courses to CSE Students.

New Course Offering – Winter Quarter 2015

No: EE 371


Credits: 5

Instructor: James K. Peckol

The execution of modern digital electronic systems designs presents challenges that demand new ways of thinking about such problems.  Building upon the fundamental concepts of electronic circuits and those developed in EE 271 (or CSE 390c), the main objective of EE 371 is to provide students with a theoretical background to and practical experience with the tools, techniques, and methods for solving challenges related to signal integrity, the modeling complex systems using the Verilog hardware design language, managing power consumption in digital systems, and ensuring robust intra and inter system communication.

We will work with the Altera DE1-SOC development board that utilizes the Cyclone V FPGA combined with a variety of peripheral devices, potentially including the embedded NIOS processor, as a target hardware platform.  The hardware side of the applications will be specified then designed, modeled, and tested using the Verilog HDL and the libraries and tools provided under the Quartus II development environment.  We will synthesize then download the tested modules onto the DE1-SOC board where they will be integrated into a complete working system.

Upon completion of the class the student will have developed strong design skills for implementing complex digital logic systems in modern design languages onto FPGAs and similar programmable fabrics.


For this first offering, we’re going to have to prioritize juniors initially, particularly those headed for EE 476-EE 477 next year.

November 20, 2014

Neural Engineering Course Open CSE 490N

Just a reminder about this course: CSE 490N: Neural Engineering

The class will be a basic introduction to the field of neural engineering and brain-computer interfaces based on my textbook:
There will be introductory lectures on neuroscience, signal processing, machine learning, reviews of current systems, guest lectures by UW researchers, and a few homeworks+hands-on brain-data analysis projects.
It will not be applied as a CORE CSE course, but it will count as senior elective credit.
Professor Raj Rao
November 20, 2014

Leadership Seminar Series

From Professor Ed Lazowska:
I’d like to draw your attention to CSE 390L, which again this year will be offered during Winter Quarter.

It’s a 1-credit seminar that meets Tuesdays at 1:30.  In a nutshell, alums visit to talk to you about the things they learned on the job that they wish they’d known before they got there.

More information is on last year’s web page – a description of the goals of the seminar, and a list of visitors.

The principal requirements are to SHOW UP, and PARTICIPATE via questioning the visitors.

November 17, 2014

Spring 2015 – Stat 391

If anyone is planning on taking stat 391 this spring, please note that it will have CSE 312 as a prerequisite starting this year.


-CSE Advising

October 6, 2014

Change Seminar – noon Tuesdays

Trevor Perrier <>

9:25 AM (5 hours ago)
to cs-grads, cs-ugrads, new-grads, dub
Please join us for the first Change Seminar of the autumn quarter.  Neha Kumar will be presenting work she did over the summer in Uttar Pradesh, India working with the Projecting Health project.

All future announcements this quarter for the Change Seminar will go out over our mailing list.  If you are interested consider join the list and registaring for the course (CSE 590 C1, SLN: 12925).

What: Neha Kumar: Of Projectors, Mobiles, and Maternal Health

When: Tuesday, September 30 at 12pm

Where: The Allen Center, CSE 203


 Projecting Health is a maternal and neonatal health initiative that was implemented in rural Uttar Pradesh (UP, India) almost two years ago through a collaboration between PATH, UW, and local partner organizations situated in UP. In Projecting Health, frontline workers organize group screenings of locally crafted films using low-cost pico projectors in order to teach pregnant women and new mothers about various health-related issues. This talk will discuss the emerging mobile media practices of the Projecting Health target audience, with a view to examine whether mobile phones can play a role in the dissemination of these videos and if yes, how.
About the speaker:

Neha is a postdoctoral researcher at UW CSE, where her research focuses on the design, production, and dissemination of visual media to address maternal and infant mortality in rural India. She recently completed her Ph.D. from the School of Information at UC Berkeley, where she conducted an ethnography of the adoption and self-guided uses of new media technologies of Indian youth from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Her research objective is to contribute a deeper, more grounded understanding of emerging uses and users to the field of ICTD and its interventions.

dub mailing list

September 29, 2014

Important notes for fall quarter – advising, overloading, graduation appts, tutoring, etc.

Hey folks, welcome back to UW!

Overloading: If you are still trying to get into a CSE course, plan to attend the first day and put your name on the overload list. We’ll try to make decisions by Monday.

Dropin advising: It’s going to be very busy this week.  If you have immediate registration issues, feel free to come to dropins this week, if you want to look at your four year plan… let’s wait until you fill out a MyPlan and then come see us after a couple of weeks have passed…

Graduation Apps: We will email in a couple of weeks about graduation appointments. Everyone planning to graduate this quarter or winter or spring, will need to come see an advisor.  We’ll have online appointments to sign up for when it’s time to complete this process. The first week isn’t a good time for that meeting, we might miss something, and that would make you sad.

Email:  We get a lot of email, but here is a tip, if you need a section change or something registration related and you give us ALL the info you think we might need (student number, sln’s etc) so we don’t have to look things up, there is a higher chance we’ll answer your email sooner rather than later.  Please try to give us at least 48 hours to return your email before pinging us again. Sending an email every hour or two doesn’t increase your chances of getting spot in the coveted class…

Tutoring: We do have some limited tutoring available, sign up online if you are interested. These small groups of 1-4 are led by a graduate student tutor.

 390C: Reminder, still space in the 2 credit 390C course. Search for 390c on the blog for more details.

Welcome Night: We did have enough mentors sign up, so if you signed up, please plan to join us a week from today. Than you everyone, our students are awesome!

Hope you all had a relaxing summer break and are ready to dive into a fun quarter. We look forward to working with you.


CSE Advising: Crystal, Raven, Jen, and Tina

September 23, 2014

Putnam Math competition – Math 380A class this fall

Dear CS majors,

With just one week left until the beginning of a new academic year, we
would like to send you a quick reminder (or announcement) for the Putnam
Mathematical Contest preparations sessions and the Math 380A class (“The
Art of Problem Solving”) connected to it.

Math 380A can be used as good preparation for anyone interested in
mathematical contest-taking (and as a stand-alone, it would make for a
very interesting, fun, and challenging class).

Are you a person who is intrigued by mathematical puzzles and beautiful
problems? Would you considering taking the Putnam exam? If so, we urge you
to think about registering for Math 380A. Let me emphasize registering,
not just auditing. It is important that you do the homework, in order to
learn, and there is more incentive for doing homework if you’re

Please check out

for the Putnam exam, and

for Math 380A, The Art of Problem Solving.

Wishing you all a great Autumn ’14 quarter,
Ioana Dumitriu and Julia Pevtsova

September 18, 2014

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