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Full classes – oh no – what to do!

Hey everyone!

A lot of students are concerned about full courses.  Please note we’ll help everyone out, but with over 900 of you, we need some active cooperation. Here’s what you can do to help (bold parts are most important):

  1. Read through our full classes information online
    1. Please do not contact faculty directly. CSE advisors manage overload requests for 300- and 400-level majors classes (i.e., those open only to CS or CE majors) during the first week of the quarter.  Here are actions you can take if desired classes are full:
      • Register for the UW Notify program so you’ll be alerted to space opening in the course. This also helps the department understand where current demand is falling.
      • Consider other courses you can take and register for them.
      • If you cannot enroll before the start of the quarter, plan to attend class. During the first few days of the quarter, the instructor will tell you how to fill out the online overload form for students who still need to register. At the end of the first week, advisors will give out add codes if there is room in the course to overload.
      • If you have trouble registering due to prerequisites, or need to switch sections only, contact an advisor for assistance.
      • When emailing advisors about anything registration related, always include your full name, student number and slns of courses you need adjusted.  However we fill not be overfilling any courses until the first week.
  2.  New students wanting 312.  You won’t all be able to take 312 this winter.  332 has plenty of room for new students but 312 will not be able to accommodate everyone, so plan for either 351, 331, 341 or 344.

3. If you come in to advising or call or email asking to overload, we’re going to refer you back to this page.  Please know that everything generally works out, so if you are stressed, contact us for sure, but if you can be patient, and register for your backup classes, you’ll be in good shape.

4. If you are one of those indecisive folks who register for 5 CSE classes because you can’t make up your mind, please know that this really throws off our process, so the faster you can make up your mind, the better.

Thank you for your patience everyone, we’ll get through this together.

CSE Advising

November 14, 2016

New winter course: CSE 490: Software quality: techniques and tools

CSE 490: Software quality: techniques and tools

SLN 22378 CSE 490 E1, T/Th 10:30-11:50:

New class for winter 2017
Instructor: Michael Ernst
Class meeting times: T/Th 10:30-11:50
Prerequisites: CSE 311, CSE 331. CSE 403 is helpful but not required. Counts as a  CSE Senior Elective

It is easy to write a program, but it is difficult to write a correct, reliable program. This course will teach you the latter, from both a theoretical and a practical point of view.

The course conveys foundational ideas, such as applying mathematical abstractions to verifying complex software. The course connects these to the real world with concrete advice for improving your programs, and hands-on practice with popular tools that will make you a more thoughtful and effective software designer and tester. A group project will give you experience with tools that automate software development tasks, reducing human effort and improving quality.


What is quality?

  • aspects of quality
  • the meaning of correctness
  • specifications: expressing desired behavior

Ways to achieve correctness.

  • partial and full guarantees of correctness
  • static vs. dynamic analysis

Dynamic analysis: run the program and observe its behavior

  • Testing: How to break your program
  • Assessing test quality (coverage, mutation, etc.)
  • Debugging: bug diagnosis, fault isolation, program repair
  • Model inference
  • Visualization

Static analysis: read the source code and reason about possible behaviors

  • abstractions: forgetting information is essential
  • abstract interpretation (dataflow analysis, symbolic execution)
  • type systems
  • model checking
  • theorem-proving
  • decision procedures (SAT, SMT)


  • automating the right part of the task
  • assessing tools: which ones are worth using?


Students are expected to read book chapters and some research papers, actively participate in class discussion, perform small exercises that provide experience with a variety of tools, and complete a team research project. There may be a midterm exam. There is no final exam; that slot will be used for final project presentations.

November 10, 2016

341 time change

Hey folks,

CSE 341 had a last minute time change, likely moving to MWF 130.  Once it’s settled, we’ll remove the add code and students can add it. Apologies for the inconvenience.

CSE Advising

November 7, 2016

Harvard summer program in Biostats and Comp Bio

Hello, CSE students! Our colleagues at Harvard would like to advertise their 2017 Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This program is open to any US citizens or permanent residents who identify with groups that are typically underrepresented in STEM, including racial/ethnic minorities, low-income students, first generation college students, and students with disabilities.

All-expenses-paid! A digital brochure can be found online.



Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology
at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

June 10, 2017 – July 22, 2017
Application Due: February 1, 2017
Eligibility & Requirements

If you like mathematics and would like to learn how quantitative methods can be applied in the study of human health, consider applying to the Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The program will introduce you to the power and excitement of math applications to public health, medicine, and biology, and provide you experiences that will help inform your future career path.

Summer Program for Undergraduates & Recent Graduates

The Summer Program is an intensive 6-week program, during which qualified participants receive a whirlwind introduction to biostatistics, epidemiology, and public health research. This program is designed to expose undergraduates to the use of quantitative methods for biological, environmental, and medical research. The program also provides advice about graduate school and the application process through GRE preparation, meetings with different departments of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and individualized mentoring by Harvard faculty. Participants take non-credit introductory courses in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and statistical programming languages such as R, and attend a series of topical seminars. The seminars, led by faculty members from various departments at the Harvard School of Public Health, are designed to broaden participant’s understanding of the relationship of biostatistics to human health by providing a snapshot of methods developed and applied to real research projects in different fields. Participants also gain research experience through small-group research projects directed by faculty and graduate student mentors. At the end of the program, students present their research to the group and to affiliated faculty. Housing and travel are provided and a living stipend (including meals) of approximately $1900 is provided for the 6-week program.

Post-Baccalaureate Internship

The 2-3 month internship program is for post-bacs interested in or planning to attend a graduate degree program in biostatistics. Past summer program participants are encouraged to apply. Travel is provided and interns will receive a salary for their participation in the post-baccalaureate program. Interns will participate in collaborative research projects through 1-2 rotations at academic and clinical centers at Harvard. They will attend regular seminars at Harvard and Dana Farber Cancer Institute on biostatistical topics. They will also attend the annual Pipelines Into Biostatistics Symposium in July 2017, and have the option to return the next summer to present their research at our 2018 symposium.

November 7, 2016

444 Databases: Winter 2017 – can be taken with 344

There is going to be an exception made this next quarter to allow students who want to take 344 and 444 to do so concurrently.  Usually 344 is a prerequisite to 444.  We will try it out this quarter, and if it works, we’ll alter the prerequisites in the future.

For this quarter, since the UW registration system will be checking for the prereqs, you will need an add code to register concurrently.  To request an add code to add 444 along with 344, please fill out our google form.

If you have questions, please contact CSE Advising.


November 7, 2016

CSE Leadership Seminar Series

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:00 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Leadership Seminar Series
To: “” <>
Cc: Ugrad Advisor <>

I’d like to invite CSE undergraduates to consider CSE390L, the
“Leadership Seminar Series,” during Winter Quarter.

The name is &@#$ – I didn’t pick it. But the content is great.

It’s 1 credit. We’ll bring back alums and friends to talk to you about
the essential things that they learned on the job but wish someone had
told them when they were still students.

Check out last year’s web page to get an idea of what it’s like:

The only requirement to earn the credit is to show up weekly and
participate. (In a throwback to junior high school, attendance will
occasionally be taken, so you do gotta be there …)

November 2, 2016

Winter Quarter entrepreneurship course

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 8:53 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Winter Quarter entrepreneurship course

Greg Gottesman will once again offer his phenomenal entrepreneurship
course this Winter Quarter.

It’s open to CSE juniors, seniors, 5th years, PMPs, and full-time grad
students. As well as Foster School MBAs and students in Interaction
Design and HCI+D.

There is an application process to obtain an entry code, so that we
can balance enrollment among the various groups.

Please check it out here:

November 2, 2016

BIOEN 498 H/599 I-Healthcare Transformation: Forces, Directions, Implications


As you finalize your class schedule for Winter Quarter 2017 please consider the following:


Prof. Lee Huntsman would like to invite you to take BIOEN 498 H/599 L (SLN: 11391/11413): Healthcare Transformation: Forces, Directions and Opportunities on Tuesdays 2:30-4:20pm. 2 credits (C/NC).




BIOEN 498 H/599 I-Healthcare Transformation:  Forces, Directions, Implications


American healthcare is entering a period of seismic change driven by multiple forces: scientific, technical, economic and most notably a reinvention of financial incentives.  This change will continue over many years and involve not only new approaches to medical care but also substantial shifts in the nature of innovations needed.  Students whose career path will involve them in the healthcare ecosystem, via research, technology development, business aspects or public policy initiatives, will benefit from an understanding of the forces driving change, the likely responses of healthcare providers and the criteria which will evolve for successful innovations.  By providing an introduction to the history, organization and financing of  American healthcare, a sense of future directions and some experience evaluating contemporary attempts at innovation, the course aims to equip students to better utilize their professional skills to achieve constructive improvements of healthcare.





Kalei Combs

Academic Program Coordinator

Bioengineering Department

University of Washington



October 31, 2016

BioE Neural Engineering Tech Studio course

BIOEN 461/561, Winter Quarter, 2017
Wednesday 12:30-2:20

In this class, teams of graduate and undergraduate students compete to create a winning neural engineering device. Cutting edge equipment, work space and a team budget are provided by the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE). CSNE industry affiliates will act as team mentors. Students will receive instruction in engineering design, product development and entrepreneurship. Final projects will be presented to a panel of industry judges. First, second and third place winners will receive project seed money, incubation space, and continued mentoring.

Prerequisites may be waived by application.

Questions? contact Dr. Lise Johnson, University Education Manager at

October 27, 2016

Capstone news: Some good, some, not so good

Due to a situation beyond our control (meaning you can complain to advising, but we can’t change it) the Virtual Reality Capstone will not be offered this year. Sadness. Tears. Sorrow…..  sincere condolences.

In better news, *almost everyone* who filled out the capstone survey will receive your first or 2nd choice capstone.  Yay!  The few exceptions are some students graduating in 2017-2018.  I’ll be sending out the assignments shortly, so you should receive an email from me soon.

A few notes:

*Computational Biology capstone was also removed this year, that was determined over the summer but several of you had not heard the news yet

*If you plan to take the NLP capstone, you need to have completed either machine learning or the NLP course before spring

*If you plan to take any of the capstones, you should have completed 332 and ideally a 400 level course or two as it’s intended to “cap” your CSE experience.

*Finally, any and all remaining capstone space will open during regular registration period

Thank you everyone!

PS If you are a graduating student from CE and must have a capstone to graduate and did not fill out the form, contact Crystal at ceney@cs

September 21, 2016

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