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Putnam preparation

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 2:30 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Putnam preparation
To: “” <>

CSE students,
The Putnam Mathematical Competition is the premier math contest. UW teams have done well in the Putnam in recent years because of outstanding coaching by two math faculty members, Ioana Dumitriu and Julia Pevtsova. Many of these teams have included CSE students.

Ioana and Julia have asked me to publicize their prep class for this year’s competition. A poster is attached. Putnam 2016

For those of you who are really strong in math and algorithms, this would be a really terrific experience – other smart students, great coaching, and the chance to gain national recognition in a contest that’s widely recognized as the highest bar.

October 10, 2016

UW Qualifier for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) has been scheduled!

From: Daniel Epstein <>

Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 14:06:01 -0700 Subject: ACM-ICPC Programming Contest

Hi all,


The UW Qualifier for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) has been scheduled! It will take place on Saturday October 22nd. The top teams from UW will advance to the regional contest held November 5th at the University of Puget Sound. The top teams from around the region will qualify for the ICPC World Finals, this year is close by–Rapid City, South Dakota!


The contest itself is a lot of fun–you get to test your problem-solving skills on a set of algorithmic problems, eat free food, and compete for prizes! If you’re interested in learning more, I’m hosting an information meeting on Monday, October 10th at 5pm in CSE 203.


If you’re interested, please register a team of three people here. If you’d like to compete but are looking for teammates, you can put your name here to find others. The final deadline to register is Monday, October 17th.

TLDR with important dates:

– Monday, October 10, 5pm in CSE 203: information meeting (optional, but recommended for people who haven’t competed before)

– Monday, October 17, 5pm: final deadline to register a team (link)

– Saturday, October 22, 9am in EEB-105: contest starts


Finally, there’s a Facebook event for the contest! Invite your friends!

~Daniel Epstein

October 6, 2016

Alexa University Competition

From: Ed Lazowska

Dear UW Leaders:


On September 29, we announced the Alexa Prize, an annual $2.5 million university-focused competition to advance conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI).  The goal of the inaugural competition is to build a “socialbot” skill on Alexa (using the Alexa Skills Kit) that will converse with people about popular topics and news events. Starting today, teams of university students can submit applications to build a socialbot and compete to win a $500,000 prize. We also are offering an additional $1 million prize for a socialbot that achieves the grand challenge of conversing coherently and engagingly with humans for 20 minutes.


A key aspect is that university students will be able to get feedback on their algorithms from millions of engaged users of a real-world AI technology.  More information is on our website here.   Up to 10 teams will also receive sponsorship of $100K to build their conversational bots based on the quality of their proposal.


I immediately thought of you all when I heard about this program. I hope many different teams from the University of Washington can participate. Please feel free to publish this widely.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


This is so cool!




Lori Clithero

AWS Account Executive | US Enterprise Education | E: | M: 206.227.5054 | O: 206.740.4734

1915 Terry Ave.

Seattle, WA 98101


October 5, 2016

Join UWashington Hyperloop to create next-generation transportation!

Hello! Want to come engineer the next-generation mode of transportation? Want to come build a floating pod which hurtles at twice the speed of an aircraft, travelling through a vacuum tube, which will get you from LA to San Francisco in 25 minutes? Are you on the Elon Musk bandwagon?
My name is Colin Summers and I am currently one of the team leads for UWashington Hyperloop, one of the leading teams in a SpaceX competition featuring over 1200 universities from around the world.  We are right in the middle of building this summer and are looking for some brilliant and hard-working engineers to join our efforts.
Familiarity with embedded systems, power systems engineering, batteries, and circuit design highly sought after!
Check us out at the links below and in the attached pamphlet. Feel free to reach out to us at Time is short, so don’t hesitate!
August 16, 2016

PwC’s Cyber-Security Case Competition

PwC’s Cyber Security Case Competition is coming up!

The case competition models real-world business scenarios focusing on the cyber security issues currently facing companies all over the world. In just over a two-week period of time, you will work with a small team of students to review a business case, develop a solution, and create a presentation. Your team will then deliver your solution to a group of PwC professionals. Success is measured by three key criteria: critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. You will come away with valuable insights into our profession, our firm, and the issues faced by global business leaders.

Who can compete?

 University of Washington – Seattle undergraduate students with a graduation date of December 2016 or later

 All majors/minors are welcome, but relevant STEM majors/minors are strongly encouraged to participate. Those majors/minors include, but are not limited to: Data / Business Analytics, Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Technology Management and Informatics.

Teams will consist of 4 – 5 students. PwC will arrange teams for individuals who register, but we encourage you to build your own teams as well. If you have identified your own team, when registering (see below), please make sure to enter the names of all team members.


To register for the competition, visit by Wednesday, April 27th. Then, plan on joining us on Friday, April 29th at 12:30 pm for our kick-off meeting in Husky Union Building 340. Lunch will be provided.

Key Dates

Friday, April 29th – Kick-off Event and Team Introductions [UW Campus – HUB 340]

Wednesday, May 4th – Case Materials Distributed to Teams via email

Friday, May 13th – “Client” Interviews [30-minute interviews to be scheduled for each team]

Friday, May 20th – Final Presentations [UW Campus; each team will have 30-minutes to present sometime between 8:00am – 11:30 am]

Questions? Please reach out to Carrie Rees at

April 21, 2016

UW Hyperloop team wants engineers!

Hello, majors! Your classmate Colin is currently one of the team leads for UWashington Hyperloop (click here), and would love for you to check out their team:

UWashington Hyperloop recently finished top 20 out of over 1200 teams internationally and made it into the final round as part of a SpaceX hosted competition to engineer the “5th mode of transportation.” As such, they are expanding the size of their team and are looking for engineers. Specifically good systems engineers! Interested students can reach out to Colin at or to the email included with the following /!


February 24, 2016

Microsoft Open Source Challenge is open!

Microsoft Research Outreach wants CSE majors to know about this event! Early registration is encouraged.

Announcing the 1st Microsoft Open Source Challenge

Microsoft Research is delighted to announce its first Open Source Challenge that uses the many and various open source computer science tools from our researchers. From artificial intelligence to programming models, cryptography to education, there is something for every inquiring mind.

See for full details. Closing date: April 11, 2016.

  Experience the power of open source software from a top research lab.

Join students all round the world in solving problems with Microsoft’s open source tools.

Win big prizes, or the opportunity to interview for an internship at Microsoft Research.

February 3, 2016

Funding opportunity for CSE students interested in starting their own company

Date: Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Funding opportunity for CSE students

Subject: Funding opportunity for your innovative ideas!

Do you have an idea that you think has commercial potential? Do you dream of starting a company sometime in the future? If your answers are yes, then the National Science Foundation I-Corps program may be right for you.

Each I-Corps grant will provide $2,500 to eligible teams as they gain first-hand feedback from potential customers and clients. See details and apply at

Deadline is January 15, 2016.

Questions? Please send them to

Payman Arabshahi
Associate Professor and Director of Advancement
Electrical Engineering
Principal Scientist, Applied Physics Lab
University of Washington

December 7, 2015

Apply for $50K Prototype Funding by Dec 20! Environmental Innovation Challenge

Thursday, November 19th 5:30-7:30pm we have an exciting panel of past competition participants!  REGISTER

innovative? find your people.

Have an idea? Now you just need to build it, create a plan, do some marketing and find funding. PHEW.

Don’t know how to do all of that?  No worries.

We know people who can help you.

And, we have Prototype Funding $$$!  We’ll tell you about that.

Come meet other students who share your interests. RSVP’s are helpful… November 19, Thursday, 5:30-7:30, HUB 145 + Panel of Past Participants

December 2, Thursday, 5:307:00, HUB 332

Yes, there will be food & refreshments.

Find out about…

Need team members? Come give a 1-minute idea pitch.

Want to join a team? Come listen to pitches and meet potential teammates. Students from all colleges and universities throughout the Pacific NW are welcome to attend. Teams are cross-disciplinary, undergrads and grads.

Questions? Contact us! Pam Tufts | Assistant Director Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge Dempsey Hall 227, 206.685-3813 UWEIC Facebook

November 18, 2015

UpLift Competition at Boeing

The Boeing Company is looking for enthusiastic college students from across the country to compete in the UpLift Competition for the chance to win great prizes, including a job interview at Boeing and a trip to Seattle. Registration for the UpLift Competition is open and runs through April 1, 2016.

Please share competition information with University of Washington students and student groups, or faculty and staff who teach and mentor technology students. Competition details can be found on the uplift website.

Any questions, comments should be directed to the Competition Committee at

Link, in case the embedded links above don’t work


Thank you, and have a good day.


Phong Phan

UW CSE 2003


November 17, 2015

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