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Today(Wed) at 12pm: Augmented Reality for Space Exploration

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From: Brian Curless <>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 7:42 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Today(Wed) at 12pm: Augmented Reality for Space Exploration
To: cs-grads – Mailing List <>, cs-ugrads <>, grail <>
For those of you interested in AR/VR, 3D reconstruction, and space exploration, there is a DUB seminar talk today touching on all of these topics.
The speaker, Nat Guy, is a former UW student in CSE and in Aero/Astro.  And he’s a cool guy.
He’s looking to hire interns and full-time folks, so feel free to follow up with him if interested (

Title:  Augmented Reality for Space Exploration

Nat Guy
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2016

Time: 12:00 PM

Location: Kane 225


JPL uses cutting-edge augmented reality and virtual reality technology to explore space and our own planet in innovative ways. JPL’s scientists plan and analyze activities for the Mars Curiosity rover while walking on a 3D reconstruction of the Martian surface. Mechanical engineers designing spacecraft and rovers can preview full-scale holographic prototypes before any parts are built. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station can receive virtual assistance from experts on the ground and work more efficiently by using AR interfaces. These are only some of the projects in AR and VR that are going on right now at JPL. This talk will present recent projects that leverage immersive technology to tackle unique visualization challenges, and discuss research that shows the efficacy of these techniques.


Nathaniel “Nat” Guy is a Lead User Interface Developer in the Human Interfaces Group at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He has Master’s degrees in Computer Science and in Aeronautics & Astronautics, both from the University of Washington. Prior to joining JPL, Nat spent five years as a software engineer at Nintendo of America, and has also worked on software testing for SpaceX and ground system software development for the Hakuto Lunar XPRIZE Team in Japan. At JPL, Nat builds highly test-driven 3D interfaces for AR and web-based platforms to support mission operations and planning for the upcoming Mars 2020 rover mission.

Cs-ugrads mailing list

October 19, 2016

CSE Industry Affiliates recruiting – Tuesday and Thursday

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From: Ed Lazowska<>
Date: Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 6:48 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] CSE Industry Affiliates recruiting – Tuesday and Thursday
To: “” <>, Cs-Grads <>
CSE students,

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn out in force on Tuesday and Thursday for the CSE Industry Affiliates recruiting days.

It’s a great chance to sample the opportunities that are out there. And, while jobs are plentiful right now, things are cyclical – a great turnout this year ensures that these companies will be back even during the next inevitable downturn. So by turning out, you’ll not only be doing yourself a favor, you’ll be doing future students a favor.

Tuesday, 1:30-5:30: startups and smaller companies.

Thursday, 11:00-5:30: established companies.

Regarding Tuesday: “We love all of our children equally.” But I really believe in what is trying to accomplish. They’re located right here in Seattle, and they’re looking to hire engineers (not interns) for their K-12 computer science curriculum team. In just 3 years has made an incredible dent in US and world education. Their Code Studio is already the most popular coding platform in K-12 schools, globally. 1/10 of all students in the world have interacted with’s courses, and 15% of all teachers in the U.S. are already using Code Studio to teach computer science in K-12 classrooms. I encourage you to check them out in Tuesday, or to reach out to their chief product officer, Alice Steinglass (

(So you know the numbers behind statements like the above: The Hour of Code has reached well over 100M students (compared to 1B students worldwide). There are 400,000 teachers on Code Studio, compared to 2-3M teachers in the US. And Code Studio has 5M monthly active users (by comparison, Scratch has 400,000).)

Ed Lazowska
October 16, 2016

Tuesday, 7 p.m., EEB 105, BE THERE!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Tuesday, 7 p.m., EEB 105, BE THERE!
To: “” <>, Cs-Grads <>
Cc: Ed Lazowska <>, Zorah Fung <>


Tuesday is “startup recruiting day” in CSE.

At 6 p.m., after that has died down, there will be a VMware tech talk for CSE students in EEB 125.

And at 7 p.m., following that, our alum Jason Tan will do a Q&A that you REALLY SHOULD ATTEND. (I’ll be there for sure!) Jason is a 2006 alum who spent time in big companies and now is the co-founder and CEO of Sift Science, a great company that makes machine-learning-based fraud detection available to small companies. He speaks in my winter quarter ugrad seminar most years, and he’s fantastic – so fantastic that Zorah Fung works half-time for Sift Science. (And Zorah is so fantastic that Jason is opening a Seattle office to pander to her.)

Most importantly:  FREE CHEESEBURGERS.

So please reserve Tuesday afternoon for startup recruiting, and Tuesday evening for FREE CHEESEBURGERS.

Oh – I nearly forgot to mention – Jason Tan’s presentation at 7:00 on Tuesday in EEB 105 will include Tuesday, 7 p.m., EEB 105, BE THERE!.

SiftScienceInformalQA poster

Cs-ugrads mailing list

October 16, 2016

Important Career Fair info: Pick up your nametags, go to the ACM prep event tonight if you want advice, upload your resume, check out which companies are attending

Hey folks!

Just  few reminders about some events coming up:

Don’t Forget:
Industry Affiliates Recruiting Fairs
10/18 (Tuesday): Start Up Companies
10/20 (Thursday): Established Companies
Please pick up your name badge and lanyard in advance!
Where: CSE Main Office (AC101)
When Tuesday 10/11 – Monday 10/17
10-11:30AM or 1:30-3:30PM
Tonight: ACM student leadership presents What to Expect at the Career Fair 430-530 in EEB105

*This is a GREAT event every student who is new to the career fair should attend

Take a look at details about the career fair on this updated page.

*You should especially keep an eye on the companies that are attending. This list will be continuously updated so keep checking early next week
*If you want to impress a company, do a few minutes of research on them BEFORE the career fair. Walking up and saying “what do you guys do” isn’t nearly as impressive as “Hey, I saw this on your website and I would love to work on a project like that”
And finally, make sure to update your resume at your  MyCSE portal. It’s the briefcase icon in the upper right.
Have fun next week!
October 14, 2016

#Futureforce computing recruitment event at UW October 19th

From: Richard Ladner <> To: Cc:  Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 16:41:00 -0700 Subject: Fwd: #Futureforce computing recruitment event at UW October 19th

If you are a student with a disability please consider coming to’s recruiting session on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 in EE 303.  The event is sponsored by AccessComputing,

Richard Ladner

Professor in CSE

Join AccessComputing on Wednesday, October 19th for an event to learn more about working at Salesforce by becoming part of Futureforce. #Futureforce is looking for students with disabilities from 4-year schools who are majoring in computer science, informatics, or another related field.


What is #Futureforce?


#Futureforce is Salesforce’s global university recruiting program dedicated to attracting, retaining and cultivating next generation talent. Our interns and new graduates work on real projects that affect how our business runs, giving them the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the future of our company.


With offices all over the world, #Futureforce recruits have the chance to collaborate and connect with fellow employees on a global scale. We offer job shadowing, mentorship programs, talent development courses, and much more.
Details: Wednesday, Oct 19 6:30pm  University of Washington, Seattle

EE Building 303


RSVP’s are encouraged. Send an email to Kayla Brown at
AccessComputing helps students with disabilities successfully pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in computing fields, and works to increase the capacity of postsecondary institutions and other organizations to fully include students with disabilities in computing courses and programs. To learn how you can participate in or visit


For more information about #Futureforce visit

Kayla Brown, MSW

Counselor/Coordinator, DO-IT

University of Washington, Box 354842

4545 15th Ave NE, Suite 100 | Seattle, WA 98105

206-221-4162 (direct) | 206-685-3648 (office/TTY) | 206-221-4171 (fax)

October 11, 2016

Resume Review next Tuesday 10/11

This Fall’s Resume Review Workshop will be held next Tuesday October 11th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the CSE Atrium

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few printed copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more recruiters or technical interview experts from several of our affiliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the upcoming recruiting fair on October 18th and 20th.

October 7, 2016

Employer Panel next Wednesday 10/5

All CSE undergraduates who are considering pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2015-16 (and this should be you!) should not miss our CSE Department sponsored Industry Panel next Wednesday.

Day: Wednesday, Ocbober 5, 2016
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
Place:  JHN 102
No rsvp needed!

This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams.  Student questions are very much encouraged.  You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

September 30, 2016

PLEASE READ – A warning on corporate outreach regarding diversity

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:13 PM
Every tech company is dramatically increasing its focus on diversity. In many cases there is direct accountability at the group or team level to show progress.
As a result, in some cases these groups or teams are creating programs of their own that are not coordinated in any way at the corporate level, may bypass the recruiting staff, etc. – outreach programs, bootcamp programs, and so forth. These programs are well-intentioned, but of variable quality, and may be “little experiments that a single group is running” even though they are presented as something more substantial.
As an example, a trusted recruiter from a top tech company recently wrote me to warn me of such a program, which has a fancy name but in reality is “a 6 week, dev contract position. While there is pay, it is dismal compared to what our normal interns earn, and there are NO benefits or structure. On top of this, there is zero accountability on the hiring team to provide growth and structure, or future job opportunity.”
If you’re approached regarding participation in something like this, reach out to the CSE recruiter for that company, or the CSE advising staff, to make sure that the program is worthwhile.
April 21, 2016

Mock Interviews with Palantir – February 23rd

Are you interested in working in Silicon Valley, but unsure about what to expect or how to prepare? Come meet with a few of our Engineers to participate in a Mock Interview. We’ll discuss resumes, technical interviews, and debunk or confirm crazy rumors about Valley culture. Bring your hardest questions–you won’t get meaningless answers.

Interviews will be scheduled in 023 and o25 on Tuesday, February 23rd. To schedule a time, please email

February 19, 2016

REMINDER: Finance Hacks 101 – TODAY, 2/8, 5:30 p.m.

Mon, February 8, 5:30pm – 6:30pm in EEB 125

Come join two UW CSE alumni for an informal presentation + Q&A about the basics of personal finance.

We don’t know it all, but we were recently in your shoes and would love to share what we’ve learned!

Topics include:

• Software pay: the big picture!

• Why is “money-under-your-mattress” not enough?

• How to evaluate public vs. private companies?

… and much more!

February 8, 2016

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