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CSE Career Fairs are coming up, you should pick up your nametags this week!

Hello CSE students!

Just a quick reminder that our largest career fair of the year will take place October 21st and 23rd here in the CSE Building.  It’s going to be fantastic!

PLEASE help us have a good showing of students to impress the socks off the recruiters.

You should plan to upload a copy of your resume to the database this week so recruiters can start looking at them now. You also need to pick up your name-tag THIS WEEK.  See details below.

Here is a helpful link to more information about the career fair including a link to the resume database.


Name-tag information:


The event name tags and lanyards are how recruiters will identify you as a CSE student, so it is important that you wear it for the duration of the event.  

Name tags and Lanyards can be picked up in the CSE Main Office (AC101) this week at the following times:

Monday, 10/13 to Friday, 10/17

10:30-11:30 am or 1:30-3 pm

*We’ll have some limited availability to get name-tags out during the event, but it’s much better for everyone if you pick it up this week. We appreciate your help with this process.

The recruiting fairs will take place on:

 TUESDAY, 10/21 (startup companies) and

 THURSDAY, 10/23 (established companies).

Over 90 companies will be in attendance between the two days, and we strongly encourage all undergraduates to attend.


We look forward to seeing you there!

October 13, 2014

CSE Technical Interview Coaching Event Next Wednesday – RSVP required!

CSE Undergraduates (only!):

CSE undergrads who will be interviewing for a full-time or internship position over the next year and would benefit from a preview of thetechnical interview questions they will face (this should include almost all CSE ugrads!) should attend the CSE Technical Interview Coaching Event next Wednesday, October 15 in the Atrium.

At this event technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will meet with groups of 2-4 students.  The interviewers will describe their technical interview process, give students a few sample questions and coach students on what they look for in answers.  The sessions will include sample programming questions, logic questions and puzzles. Our experts will also provide examples of what they ask in actual technical interviews and how to successfully answer to land the job.

Students will have three individual sessions of 15 minutes each with three different company volunteers (our choice, at least one, and probably two of the reps you meet with will be from a major local company).

The sessions will be for general insight and will not be in the form of interviews, although sample questions will be posed for demonstration purposes.  The upcoming October 29 Mock Technical Interviews will feature an interview format.  Sign-ups for the October 29 Mock Technical Interviews will begin the middle of next week after the Technical Interview Coaching Event, so watch for my email then.

RSVP’s for next Wednesday’s Technical Interview Coaching Event are required and easy to make.  Just use the rsvp link below to choose between sessions starting at 3:30 or 4:30 pm.  Sessions last one hour total and are comprised of three 15-20 minute coaching sessions for each student attendee.

Space is limited –  RSVP now!  Selections will be made based on CSE seniority AND on a first come-first served basis.  The RSVP deadline for this event is Monday , October, 13 at 12:00pm (noon), so don’t delay.  I will let you know by end of day on Monday of your time of your Wednesday appointment or if you were not able to secure a slot.

Please contact me if you need any additional information on this event.


October 10, 2014

Resume Review Workshop on Monday 10/6

Hey CSE students, it’s time to dust off those resumes!

This Fall’s Resume Review Workshop will be held this Monday, October 6, from 2:30 and 5:30 pm. in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 2:30 and 5:15 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more HR or technical interview experts from several of our affliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the Fall recruiting fair on October 21 and 23.


Future Recruiting Events (all this month):

Calendar Link:

Technical Interview: Coaching Wed, Oct 15, 2014; 3:30-5:30 pm; CSE Atrium

Industrial Affiliates Fall Recruiting Fair:  Tues, Oct. 21; 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (startups); Thu, Oct. 23; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (established companies); CSE Building

Mock Technical Interviews: Wed, Oct 29, 2014; 6:00-8:15 pm; CSE Building

October 3, 2014

Career Events: Employer Panel TOMORROW + Resume Workshop Monday!

Reminder – Employer Panel Tomorrow Afternoon: 

All CSE undergraduates who plan on pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2014-15 (and this should be you!) should not miss our CSE Department sponsored Employer Panel this Thursday.

Day: Thursday, Ocbober 2, 2014  (Tomorrow!)
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
Place:  EE 125
No rsvp needed!

This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams.  Student questions are very much encouraged.  You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

Next Event – Resume Review Workshop next Monday 10/6: 

Theere will be a Resume Review Workshop in the CSE Atrium on Monday, October 6 between 2:30 and 5:30 pm.

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 2:30 and 5:15 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more HR or technical interview experts from several of our affliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the Fall recruiting fair on October 21 and 23.

Future Recruiting Events (all this month!):

Calendar Link:

Technical Interview: Coaching Wed, Oct 15, 2014; 3:30-5:30 pm; CSE Atrium

Industrial Affiliates Fall Recruiting Fair:  Tues, Oct. 21; 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (startups); Thu, Oct. 23; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (established companies); CSE Building

Mock Technical Interviews: Wed, Oct 29, 2014; 6:00-8:15 pm; CSE Building


October 1, 2014

CSE Employer Panel Thursday 10/2

All CSE undergraduates who plan on pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2014-15 (and this should be you!) should not miss our CSE Department sponsored Employer Panel this Thursday.


Employer Panel Quick Facts:

Day: Thursday, Ocbober 2, 2014  (this Thursday!)

Time: 5:30-6:30 pm

Place:  EE 125

No rsvp needed!


This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams.  Student questions are very much encouraged.  You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

The Employer Panel will be the  first in a series of highly recommended CSE career events designed to prepare CSE undergraduates for the job search process—you can check out the other October Career events at .

Please contact Jenifer <> for any additional information about this event.  We hope to see you there!


September 29, 2014

Recruiting Policies, CSE Ugrad Calendar, and Overloads

Recruiting Policy

As a reminder, as CSE Majors, you are bound to adhere to our CSE recruiting policies.  And likewise, companies that recruit our students are requested to follow our guidelines for companies.

Now that we are headed into recruiting season big time, please familiarize yourself with these policies.

For Students:
For Employers:

Career pages have links to the Jobs Blog and our new and improved Resume tool will be released soon.

Ugrad Events Calendar

Also, I hope you’ll all consider adding our CSE Ugrad Calendar to your personal calendars. There are a LOT of events coming up and this will help you stay informed.


I’d like everyone to take note that almost every course has room in it right now and we’re on day 3 of the quarter. What does that mean? That means that a whole lot of you are registering for more courses than you need and then deciding to drop some of them. While I understand the temptation to do that, I’d like to also note that this creates mass hysteria among your peers (which is then dealt with by the advisors) for several months as everyone panics about courses.  Please try to be considerate of everyone’s time.  You should be talking with your comrades, reading teaching evaluations, and talking to advisors about your schedule so you can register for what you need, not everything you have a small interest in taking.

For those courses that are still full, we suspect we’ll be able to get all graduating students and most other students into courses they want. Just make sure you have filled out the overload forms provided by instructors by today and we’ll aim to get you all in by this evening or at the latest Monday.

Thank you!

CSE Advising

September 26, 2014

Jobs blog still posting positions – reminder

Just a reminder to check the jobs blog this summer for opportunities for full time work and part time too.

Here’s one to consider if you’re graduating in the next year.


The Allen Institute for AI (AI2) is a non-profit research institute that’s 5-minutes from UW along the Burke Gilman trail.

AI2 is hiring strong undergrads with interests in machine learning, natural-language processing, and information visualization to join our team of 20+ top-notch researchers and engineers.

AI2 is run by  Prof. Oren Etzioni (on leave from UW CSE) and offers a uniquely CSE-like environment that supports learning and training on the job in AI methods and ideas.

For more information, please see


If you are interested, please email

July 16, 2014

still looking for UW Startups to showcase

Here’s a link to the startup showcase website: 

The event is scheduled for next tuesday, May sixth, on the quad. We are looking for student created startups (either UW students or very recent grads) to register. We have already covered teams in the Business plan competition and just generally have pretty good publicity with the business folks, but we are really lacking in the engineering side of things.

May 2, 2014

Employer panel hosted by engineering student groups on Engineering Consulting careers

From: Ana Wieman <>
Date: Thu, May 1, 2014 at 8:43 AM
Subject: [Advising] Employer Panel: Consulting engineers May 7
To: “” <>

Representatives from Harris Group, Hitachi Consulting, Pariveda Solutions, and Slalom Consulting will be in attendance.

  • Location: EEB 303
  • Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
  • Date: Wednesday, May 7th
  • Recommended attire: Nice casual

Engineering student organizations, headed by IIE, are hosting an Employer Panel focused on engineering consulting.


Students interested in attending should RSVP here:


Questions can be sent to Matt Vay or to me.


All the best,



Ana Wieman

Engineering Co-op & Internship Program

College of Engineering I University of Washington * 206-685-1789 * 330 Loew Hall

May 1, 2014

Consultancy Services Information Session tonight

Calling all future Software Engineers

Food & Raffles

including Visa gift cards

Information Session &

Resume Drop

Where: Electrical Engineering Bldg, Room EE105

When: Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm


Students majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and

Electrical Engineering are encouraged to bring resumes and meet with

TCS recruiters following the session.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

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April 23, 2014

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