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Make a difference studying abroad – Program deadline May 15th

Study Abroad opportunity next year – Deadline to apply May 15th, two information sessions this week

Grand Challenges (GCs) are the big problems facing humanity – things like food security, clean water, and climate change. The Grand Challenge Impact Lab (GCIL) is a new UW study abroad program in Bangalore, India that empowers students to address GCs.

   College of Engineering faculty member Julian Marshall (Civil Eng.) who just started the program has asked me to send you some information, and especially that the deadline for students to apply for the coming season is in about 10 days.  Here is a link to info about the program plus a link to a UW news article about it.  (official program website)
May 7, 2018

Advising reminders and course updates fall 2018

First, this week and next week are going to be very busy for Quick Questions (formerly known as ‘drop ins’) so please plan accordingly.   There are multiple ways to contact the advising staff, so please take a look at the advising page for more information. Remember we’ll have a sign at the front desk saying when the peer advisers are available, so that is a good option for many quick questions.

Additionally, here are some changes to the fall schedule:


  • CSE 341 moved to MWF 1230-120
  • CSE 442 moved to WF 900-1020
  • CSE 461 moved to MWF 330-420
  • CSE 484 moved to MWF 1030-1120
  • CSE 455 was added to the schedule, T/Th 830-950
  • CSE 431 added  T/Th 1000-1120
Pending Changes:
  • A second CSE 332 lecture will be added MWF 330-420.
  • A new undergrad ICTD course  taught by Richard Anderson (as CSE 490) will be added MWF 130-220 + Th quiz section(s).
May 7, 2018

Thefts in ugrad labs

I’m sad to report that we’ve been informed that 10+HDMI cables have gone missing from the ugrad labs making the monitors unusable.  In case you decided to ‘borrow them’, please consider returning them to the labs where they belong ASAP.  We all work very hard to provide nice facilities for our students, but when things like this happen, it hurts the whole community, most importantly, your fellow students.

Borrowing from Metro, “If you see something, say something”.  We need all of you to look out for each other and our facilities.  If this continues to happen we’ll be forced to re-consider the types of resources we provide for students.  Let’s work together to keep this a safe, well functioning place to work.

Thank you,

CSE Advising and CSE Support

May 3, 2018

Reminder: PLEASE enter your intended courses for 2018-2019 into MyPlan, and announcing release of new tentative time schedule

Another reminder to please go into your MyPlan before Friday to enter your intended schedule for the academic year. Even if it’s a rough draft it’s extremely helpful for us to see where the pressure points are.  Right now we are debating whether to increase some class sizes, and so far the data isn’t convincing My guess is many of you still haven’t filled out the MyPlan schedule for next year yet.  Please try to get this done soon.

Additionally, we have posted the TENTATIVE teaching schedule for 2018-2019.    Courses might still change, but this is our best guess for the upcoming year.  It’s possible we’ll still add some courses, but still a chance something might move too.

A few things to note:

  • 401 in the fall will be with Hal Perkins and there will be a CSEM 501 linked course
  • 401 with Ras will be taught in the spring and we hope to rename it to something else since the two courses have diverged. A student could likely take both courses if they want to.
  • 455 in winter is the most tentative, so if something was going to be removed, that might be one to have a plan B
  • There are a few double offerings: 311, 332 and 351 in fall, 312 and 332 in winter, and 311, 351, 331, 333, and 446 in spring
  • There is a new 300 level course in spring (probably will be numbered 340) on Interactive Systems
  • We’ll release capstone registration information in June or July hopefully – students pre-register for capstones
  • 475 the more hardware focused CE capstone will be in the fall with a CSE faculty, winter and spring by EE faculty

We’ll send more updates as we have learn about them.

Registration starts on Friday for graduating students.


May 2, 2018

News on registration for 2018-2019

Dear students,
Fast version if you’re short on time:
1. Please fill out your MyPlan for the next year with what courses you hope to take
2. The tentative teaching schedule will be out around May 1st
3. Machine Learning will not, at this point in time, be offered this fall, but we’ll have an offering in winter and a large one in spring.    If we hire new faculty, we may be able to add it back for fall.  We’re really sorry.  🙁
4. The Virtual Reality capstone will be making a come-back for the 2018-2019 academic year!
5. If you are graduating in fall or winter this next year, apply to graduate by May 2nd, 2018 to get graduating senior priority registration of May 4th.
Longer version – more details:
First, it is REALLY important that all of you put your desired courses in your MyPlan for the next year. We have recently been given a window into MyPlan data so we can run analysis on what students want to take in the coming year. We obviously have a lot of constraints on when/how often we can offer certain courses, but this is an amazing new tool that we would like to take advantage of as soon as possible.  Please only put the courses you really plan to take (don’t stack them all up to skew the statistics).

Registration for fall quarter is going to come up fast, it’s starting on May 4th for graduating students.  We hope/plan to have the tentative teaching schedule out to you by May 1st so you can plan for the upcoming year.

There are going to be some changes in store, some you’ll like (VR capstones returning, probably fall and spring, two offerings of 446, one BIG one in the spring) and some you will not like (no one to teach 446 – machine learning in fall) but things are still changing.  We are hoping to hire some additional faculty, and if that goes well, we’ll be able to likely add some additional courses, but that will happen as we move into summer.

Finally, we hope capstones will be posted for sign ups in early summer so stay tuned for that too.

CSE Advising
April 18, 2018

Summer courses open for registration

Just a reminder that summer courses are open for registration. We’ll be opening some of these courses to non majors in the next few weeks, so if you think you might want to take CSE courses this summer, we encourage you to go ahead and get signed up. CSE 351 has a lot of room and is taught by one of the common 351 instructors so that’s one to consider.

331, 332, 333, 344, and 351 are all offered.


CSE Advising

April 12, 2018

Reminder: Quiet lab is supposed to be, well, quiet…

Just a friendly reminder that Lab 022 is the quiet lab so you should be, well, very, very quiet.  That means whispering if you must have a short side conversation, but better yet, move to another lab if you need to have constant conversations.

Thank you all for your cooperation.


CSE Advising

April 12, 2018

Last day to register for spring graduation is this Friday (if you haven’t already filed)

To all students who think you are graduating, please double check your degree audit in your My Plan to see that your graduation date is accurately listed at the top.  It should say: Graduation Date with the quarter you plan to graduate.

If you do not see a graduation date, and you think you filed, please contact as soon as possible.

If you want to graduate at the end of spring and have not filed, you need to contact an adviser in CSE before Friday at noon.

And finally, please make sure to update your permanent address in MyUW so your graduation invitations go to the right place.  For students who live in WA or other states in the US, they will go to your permanent address, for international students we’ll mail it to your local address.

There will be more information in the next few weeks regarding graduation so please be watching your emails carefully.


CSE Advising

April 12, 2018

The Allen School is Hiring Peer Advisers!

The Allen School is hiring peer advisers for the 2018-19 school year! We hope you will consider applying, or encourage friends to apply (you can nominate someone here!).

Peer Advisers are an important part of the CSE Community. They assist with quick questions and student appointments, give presentations, help staff our front desk, and represent our school at events across campus. Peer Advisers help students with course planning, academic exploration, admissions, the career search, and more! They also create resources for students and offer the professional advising staff and faculty an important perspective. It is a fun job that can make a big impact!

We encourage students of all years and backgrounds to apply!


Start Date: Autumn Quarter (with some occasional training beforehand)

Weekly load: 5 – 12 hours a week (Varies depending on special events and time of the quarter). Hours are flexible depending on your course schedule!

Pay: $15.45 per hour (plus some CSE swag!)


Job Duties

-Speak with prospective students and their parents (via phone, email and in-person) about the field of computing, the Allen School, and the University of Washington.

-Advise UW students who are pre-majors on course planning, academic exploration, admissions, and opportunities outside of the classroom.

-Advise Allen School students on a variety of topics dependant on your year in school and relevant experiences

-Present at information sessions and represent the Allen School at academic fairs and recruitment events

-Help students, prospective students, and parents who come to the CSE reception desk with undergraduate-related questions.

-Work on various projects based on your strengths and interests!


Required Qualities & Experiences

-Empathy and compassion towards students and families of all backgrounds

-Trustworthy with confidential student information

-Good conversation and presentation skills

-Ability to work well on a team and independently

-Ability to have difficult conversations in a compassionate and approachable way

-Making satisfactory progress towards a CS or CE degree (you don’t need to be a perfect student!)

-Demonstrated involvement in something outside of the classroom at UW (either in or outside of the Allen School)

-Willingness to learn and speak about other tech-related majors and opportunities at UW

-Ability to represent the Allen School and the UW in a professional manner

-Willingness to provide and receive feedback


If you would like to apply, please submit a resume and cover letter to Jenifer Hiigli ( by 10am on April 24th. In your cover letter, please address why you want to be a peer adviser and what experiences and qualities you have that would enable you to succeed in the role. Interviews will take place in late April/early May.

April 10, 2018

SAVE THE DATE: 2018 Paul G. Allen School Graduation Celebration – Friday, June 8

2018 Paul G. Allen School Graduation Celebration
Friday, June 8, 2017 – 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Hec Edmundson Pavillion
*Doors at 5pm.
Coffee and cake reception on the Hec Ed concourse will immediately follow the formal program.

If you are a graduating senior, watch for an email from Elise (elised@cs…) with details on the CSE graduation celebration. We will be sending invitations and the sign-up form for participants in mid-April. Note that attendees do not need tickets, so you can feel free to invite the whole family!

Our list of 2017-18 graduates includes everyone graduating August 2017 through August 2018. If you’ll graduate in Autumn (December) 2018 and want to attend this June’s CSE ceremony, please tell us.

Paper invitations will be sent to your address listed on MyUW. Please update address in MyUW by April 15th to make sure it goes to the right place!

If you want to attend the UW’s Commencement ceremony, you must register for the UW Commencement Ceremony separately starting May 2nd.

If you are not graduating but want to support your senior friends, you are welcome to join us on Friday, June 8.

April 2, 2018

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