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CSE 590 E – Computer Science Education Seminar

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Ruth Anderson <>
Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 3:27 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] CSE 590 E – Computer Science Education Seminar
To: <>, <>, <>, <>

Are you interested in discussing different approaches to teaching Computer Science? Are you wondering what kind of research people do in CS education? Are you thinking about a career that involves a lot of CS teaching?

This quarter we are again offering a seminar for people interested in discussing topics related to Computer Science education. The format for this quarter will be a weekly discussion of readings from a variety of sources such as CS education conferences (e.g. SIGCSE, ITiCSE, ICER), journal articles on teaching approaches, or excerpts from books on teaching. Participants will be expected to do the readings, participate in weekly discussions, and lead or co-lead one of the discussions.

We will be meeting 10:30-11:20 am on Thursdays in CSE 403. Our first meeting will be Thursday (1/10), where we will discuss the schedule for the quarter in more detail.

The plan is to continue this seminar in future quarters, so if you cannot join us in 19wi please check back in 19sp!

Grad students should sign up for CSE 590 E (1 credit, ungraded). Undergraduate students are also very welcome, but will need to fill out this form to receive an add code:

Additionally, if you are interested in future CS education-related announcements, please subscribe to cs-ed@cs here:


December 10, 2018

CSE490D: Introduction to Accessible Technology and Participatory Design Winter 2019

CSE490D: Introduction to Accessible Technology and Participatory Design

SLN: 12995 CSE 490 D SPECIAL TOPICS   T 0130-0220

Open to all majors

The Goals and Complexities of Designing All-inclusive Technology Solutions.

In this course, we consider the complex relationship between technology and people through the lens of designers and engineers. The course primarily addresses the global issue of equal access to technology, public spaces and to information and communications technology (ICT) by persons with disabilities. We examine the ways in which technology can be both assistive and a potential barrier for diverse populations, regardless of ability or heterogeneous needs, and in that context we will review a host of devices and solutions created to improve quality of life, function and independence for people with disabilities. Additionally, we will explore the role of technology designers and engineers in designing for equity in a technology-laden society, and therein explore the fundamental connection between critical social theory and participatory design. Students are asked to participate in class discussions about the readings, complete technology evaluation assignments and present their ideas for technology innovations that embody all-inclusive design. This course will prepare students to pursue lead roles in participatory design teams, and is a prequel for CSE 482 Accessibility Capstone offered in Spring 2019.

November 21, 2018

CRA Annual Survey for students – please fill this out

Dear all CSE Majors!

First Happy Thanksgiving and we hope you all enjoy some much deserved time off.

Second, we have a favor to ask all of you. (And there is possibly some swag involved)

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is interested in career development
among students in computing fields. To that end, I encourage you to complete their
survey, which will take about 20 minutes to complete. (something to do while sitting in Turkey day traffic)

Your contribution to this research helps us understand factors related to academic
retention and persistence.

In exchange for your time, you will be given the opportunity to enter a raffle for
some swanky Allen School SWAG!

If you are interested in completing the survey, please follow the link below:

Note that if you completed a survey for CRA in the past, you may have been contacted
directly by CRA this month. If you have already completed this survey, please disregard
this message.

Thank you!

CSE Advising

November 21, 2018

New and Improved ways to provide feedback on your CSE course and program experience

Hello, CSE undergrads!
We care about your experiences in the Allen School, and appreciate hearing your feedback. We’ve had an anonymous feedback tool for a long time that anyone registered in a CSE course can use for feedback on the course.  We’ve updated it in a couple ways: TAs can now provide feedback about their courses and everyone can choose to cc our Deputy Director, Director of Student Services, or Director of Graduate Student Services. Adding TA functionality was a suggestion from our TA community. 
Anonymous feedback tool:
You’re also welcome to talk with advisors or faculty directly about any feedback.
Anonymous feedback is taken seriously and addressed as necessary. Just remember that we can’t reply to you personally when you submit something anonymously 🙂 and that for small classes there is inherently less anonymity.
There is also a complete list of recommendations for other types of general program feedback listed at:
CSE Advising
November 14, 2018

Reminder: Please stop hoarding courses, and here are some numbers to prove that it’s happening…

Hello CSE students,

I have some numbers I think you’ll find interesting.   First, most students take approximately 2 CSE courses/qtr, while some take fewer, and some take more. That’s expected.   There is an anomaly that takes place every registration cycle however…..


Fall 2018: currently registered

  • 4 students are taking 4 CSE courses
  • 118 students are taking 3 CSE courses


Winter 2019:

  • 24 students are signed up for 4 CSE courses  (a 500% increase)
  • 236 students are signed up for 3 CSE courses (a 100% increase)


So, either a whole lot of you decided to suddenly increase the number of CSE courses you’re taking, or there is a whole lot of hoarding going on.  Even if half of these students dropped the course they likely aren’t really planning to take, we’d free up a lot of room.  We’ll be looking at ways to limit this behavior in the future, but for now, we really need your cooperation.

Every time I send a message like this I get a few tortured souls explaining that they have a good reason. It’s okay, we don’t think poorly of you IF you have a REALLY GOOD reason to be doing this, or truly plan to take these courses.  You don’t need to write to us to justify your courses. However, my math shows that there are a lot of you who don’t plan to take all that you are registered for, and that is causing a lot of problems for your peers.   We ask you to please do your best to figure out your schedule quickly, so that we can help all students get into courses that they need for winter.

Thank you for your help,

CSE Advising


November 13, 2018

Ethical Automation Seminar winter quarter- must fill out form to request registration

* Title: Ethical Automation
* This course will investigate the role of values in how practitioners in AI, such as engineers and researchers, evaluate and construct systems which are automating tasks currently accomplished by humans. We will look at the effects of automation in thought work as well as in mechanized systems, and how practitioners in automation can perceive their own work in relation to broader social contexts. We will explore questions related to AI bias, identity, and epistemology, among others. These questions will be motivated with hands-on work and discussion.
* Time it will meet: Tuesday 1:30-3:20 pm
* Max size: 30
* Number of credits: 2
* Registration form link:
November 5, 2018

Friendly reminder – “holding” courses for your friends is strictly forbidden

Hello folks,

It’s come to our attention yet again that some students are “holding” courses for their friends and then dropping them so their friend with a lower priority registration can register. This is strictly forbidden by UW policy. As is using any sort of unfair advantage to obtain courses.

We do have the ability to see exactly when a course is added and who takes the spot, so we will be following up on any suspect cases and will place holds on your account if we find this to be happening. You will also be reported to the UW Registrar’s office.

Please, let’s all be team players here and work together through this process. It isn’t a perfect process, but if everyone actually follows the rules, it really does work out better than you might think.


Thank you.


November 5, 2018

Meet the CSE Peer Advisers!

The Allen School has 7 peer advisers who can talk with students about planning for the major and CSE admissions, course planning, internship prep, connecting with research, and generally being a successful student.  Peer advisers can talk about CSE courses, getting started with research or teaching, landing internships, getting involved with the Allen School or in the UW, and so much more. Meet them here:

There are many ways you can contact a peer adviser to have your questions answered:

CSE Reception Desk: Throughout the quarter we will have peer advisers working at the CSE reception desk. Peer advisers are happy to chat with you during their front desk shifts so feel free to walk up and ask them questions! You’ll know if a peer adviser on duty by seeing a sign off to the right when you first approach the front desk.

Quick Question Advising Sessions: Peer advisers will be available during Quick Question advising sessions and you can request to meet with one when you sign in at the front desk. Hours for these sessions are listed on the CSE Undergraduate Calendar.

Email: The peer advisers can be contacted via email for questions, feedback, and advice. They can be reached at

October 25, 2018

Follow up information on Graduation Appointments – and the online form

Hello all graduating students this fall, winter or spring!
I wanted to send some clarifying points out on the message I sent in late Sept.
1. First step to take if you want to graduate is to check your MyCSE and see if you have already filed to graduate. It should be listed at the top of the page. If you have a
graduation date listed there that is accurate, and you have no further questions about your degree audit, you do NOT need to fill out anything else.  If you do not see a graduation date listed, then you should fill out the form below.
2. With regard to deadlines, if you are graduating THIS fall you need to fill it out by today. We will then process it and you’ll receive an email from UW. Once you accept that UW submission, your degree application is officially on file.
3. If you are graduating in winter or spring AND you want to have graduating senior priority registration for those quarters, you need to fill out the form by October 25th.
4. If you don’t care about graduating senior priority, you can fill out the form by January 23rd if you are graduating in Winter or by April 17th if you are graduating spring quarter.
5. Finally, you do not need to come in for an advising appointment after you fill out the form unless we contact you and say you need to come in. We’ll contact you if there are questions from us.
6. If there were questions in the form that you filed with us, we will fix all errors and then submit to UW, or we’ll contact you directly.
7. Once you’ve received the email from UW asking you to submit your graduation application, everything is filed and there is nothing else you need to do except make sure your degree audit continues to be accurate.
We hope this helps and that you’re off to a great fall quarter,
CSE Advising
Dear Graduating CSE majors!
If you are graduating at the end of this fall, winter or spring quarter, it’s time to file for graduation!  First, please check your degree audit in your MyPlan  to see if you have a projected graduation date. If you do, you’re good to go. If you don’t, we have a new, online process this year so you will only need to physically come in to advising if you have extensive questions.  Everyone needs to first fill out this survey, regardless of questions.
There are basically two steps.
1. Fill out our CSE Graduating Student Online Form. You must login with your CSE Gmail Account Credentials.  The deadline to apply to graduate for Fall quarter is October 10th. The deadline to apply to graduate Winter or Spring quarter and have graduating senior priority (early) registration is October 25th.
2. Watch for the UW confirmation for your graduation application and SUBMIT that when you see it come through your UW Email address
If you are pursuing a double major or double degree, you’ll need to file graduation paperwork with your other department as well.
You do NOT need to come in for an appointment if you fill out the form. We will contact you if we have questions or concerns.
Thank you!
October 11, 2018

Does your UW Husky Card photo accurately identify you?

Hello students,

The Allen School has created laminated name badges for the undergrad and master’s students which will be required for access to the recruiting events during the upcoming academic year with your current Husky Card photo. If you are unidentifiable in your Husky card photo for reasons such as below, we will reprint your name badge:

The current photo cuts off part of your face or head
The lighting is bad and your face doesn’t clearly show up against the background
Your identity has changed since your initial photo

Please note that this is only available at this time for students whose Husky Card photo does not accurately identify them. You will need to provide a new headshot against a plain background for us to use. We will resize it to fit our form.

Online Submission form. 

The deadline is very quick so please have it done by this midnight, Thursday, October 11th.


~CSE Advising and External Relations

October 9, 2018

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