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What to do if the CSE course you want is full? Keep some perspective (this is just a minor challenge in the grand scheme of life) then read this email.

The advising staff is getting a lot of email about full courses.  Here’s the official scoop, please read!

  1. This always seems to happen.
  2. It always stresses everyone out (sorry!).
  3. There is hoarding going on with your peers, shame them into not hoarding courses as this messes up everyone’s plans.
  4. PLEASE sign up on notify so we can see where the demand is for courses, we are actively trying to add space as I type.
  5. MOST of the time we can get the majority of students in when they show up in the first week, so all is not lost.
  6. What about getting into a different section of a course you’re registered for? We can often help with this, but generally don’t do it until after the main registration period, so hang tight and then email advisors with all the relevant info: your name, student number, sln of section you’re in, slns of sections you’d like, and we’ll see what we can do, but try hard to wait until Period II registration

Please do not contact faculty directly. CSE advisors manage overload requests for 300- and 400-level majors classes (i.e., those open only to CS or CE majors) during the first week of the quarter.  Here are actions you can take if desired classes are full:

  1. Register for the UW Notify program so you’ll be alerted to space opening in the course. This also helps the department understand where current demand is falling.
  2. Continue watching the time schedule for an open space. Also consider other courses you can take and register for them.
  3. If you cannot enroll before the start of the quarter, plan to attend class. During the first few days of the quarter, the instructor will tell you how to fill out the online overload form for students who still need to register. At the end of the first week, advisors will give out add codes if there is room in the course to overload.
  4. If you have trouble registering due to prerequisites, contact an advisor for assistance.  Include your full name and student number for a prompt response.

With respect to non-CSE courses, the Gateway Center for Undergrad Advising provides tips and specific departmental information for getting into closed courses. For most courses, checking the time schedule for openings is your best chance of getting a space.

November 13, 2015

Name tags for Career Fair

Okay, now that the official name tag pick-up is over, the advising staff is feeling sorry for those of you who never made it in and we want you to still attend the career fair, so we’ve decided to offer the option to students to pick up name tags for the career fair  at these additional times next week:

Monday: 130-4PM

Wednesday: 11 – 3PM

Don’t let lack of a name tag stop you from attending, now you can still go. See you next week.

October 16, 2015

Student Information Page for CSE Career Fair


CSE Industry Affiliates Fall 2015 Recruiting Fairs

recruiting fair

The fall 2015 industry affiliates recruiting fairs are just around the corner:

  • Startup fair: Monday, October 19, 1:30-5:30 p.m. in the Atrium. Participating company list may be viewed here.
  • Startup networking event: “Pitch Session Gong Show,” October 21, 6-7:30 p.m. in EE125. This is a continuation of the startup fair. Join us to learn more about the participating startups and network in a more informal setting. There will be refreshments!
  • Established company fair: October 21, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. in both the Atrium and the Commons. Participating company list may be viewed here.

Important things to remember:

  • Participate in all events – particularly the two recruiting fairs.
  • Be sure to pick up your nametag prior to the recruiting events. (This is how the recruiters will know you are a CSE student. Check here for more info.)
  • Add your resume to the  Resume Database for Affiliate companies to search.
  • Bring copies of your resume to the fairs.
  • Make sure your contact information is clearly visible.
  • Dress appropriately.
October 13, 2015

Industry Affiliates Recruiting Fairs Next Week: Must pick up nametag

Don’t Forget:

Industry Affiliates Recruiting Fairs


10/19 (Monday): Start Up Companies

10/21 (Wednesday): Established Companies


Please pick up your name badge and lanyard in advance!


Where: CSE Main Office (AC101)


When: Tuesday 10/13 – Friday 10/17


10 am -11:30 am or 1:30 pm-3:30 pm


Faculty and Grad name badges

will be in mailboxes

October 12, 2015

Last day to add/drop without penalty

FYI, today is the last day to add or drop courses without incurring a $20 fee, so if you are adding research or seminars or anything, today is the day.

You can still add/drop for another week, but it will be $20 every day that you make a change.  Starting the 3-7th week, you only have one course drop per YEAR, so be frugal.


CSE Advising

October 6, 2015

Graduation Appointments – now open!

All Graduating students: Please read the graduation information page thoroughly.


Fall Graduates, you must file to graduate by Friday October 16th.

If you are unsure about whether or not you have filed, you can go to your MyCSE profile and look in the upper right corner. If you don’t see a projected graduation date in the box under your photo, but you think you filed, email me (ceney@cs) with your full name, student number and intended graduation date. I’ll check our records to make sure all is in order.

If you have NOT filed for graduation, you must see an advisor before 3pm on Friday the 16th if you are graduating THIS quarter.  Read the page above and follow each step.

Winter and Spring Graduates:

If you are graduating winter or spring, please plan to make a graduation appointment during the weeks of October 12-27th, for graduating senior priority (that means you get to register before everyone else).

The absolute last day to apply for graduation is the 3rd Friday of the quarter you plan to graduate.

Please read all the way through the graduation information page listed above before emailing with questions. We have over 770 students now, so we need your help with this process.

Thank you!

-CSE Advising

October 2, 2015

First week notes: Overloading classes, dropin advising, email, tutoring, and more!

Okay, last email today, promise…


Hey folks, welcome back to UW! A few notes for your first week:

Overloading: If you are still trying to get into a CSE course, plan to attend the first day and add your name to the online overload list AFTER you attend class.   No need to come to dropins, just fill out the online survey posted in class.

Dropin advising: It’s going to be very busy this week.  If you have immediate registration issues, feel free to come to dropins this week, if you want to look at your four year plan… let’s wait until you fill out a MyPlan and then come see us after a couple of weeks have passed…

Graduation Apps: We will email next week about graduation appointments. Everyone planning to graduate this quarter or winter or spring, will need to come see an advisor.  We’ll have online appointments to sign up for when it’s time to complete this process. The first week isn’t a good time for that meeting, we might miss something, and that would make you sad.

Email:  We get a lot of email, but here is a tip, if you need a section change or something registration related and you give us ALL the info you think we might need (student number, sln’s etc) so we don’t have to look things up, there is a higher chance we’ll answer your email sooner rather than later.  Please try to give us at least 48 hours to return your email before pinging us again. Sending an email every hour or two doesn’t increase your chances of getting spot in the coveted class…

Tutoring: We do have some limited tutoring available, sign up online if you are interested. These are small groups of 1-4 are led by a graduate student tutor.

Welcome Night: We did have enough mentors sign up, so if you signed up, please plan to join us tomorrow  night. You should have received an email with your mentee information.  Thank you everyone, our students are awesome!

Hope you all had a relaxing summer break and are ready to dive into a fun quarter. We look forward to working with you.


CSE Advising: Crystal, Raven, Jen, and Maggie (Maggie is new! please join us in welcoming her to CSE advising)

September 29, 2015

Recruiting Policy for Companies – Please read

Hey folks,

Apologies for the copious email you’ve been receiving, there is a lot of information we need to get out to you in the first week. We’ve been hearing that a lot of companies are beginning to pressure students to respond to full time offers offered to previous interns way before the approved deadline (November 30th).  We ask you all to familiarize yourself with both the Company Recruiting Policy and the Student Policy:

Company Recruiting Policy:

Student Policy:

You should politely ask any CSE Affiliate company if they are aware of the policy listed above and if they are willing to abide by it.  If they say no, we highly recommend you notify Kay Beck-Benton (kbeck@cs) with a CC to ugrad-advisor@cs list so we can follow up directly with the companies involved. The more details you provide us the better.


~CSE Advising

September 29, 2015

We need mentors for Welcome Night, Wednesday September 30th, 2015

Hey Ugrads and Vgrads:

We need mentors!

If you have been in the department for at least one quarter, please sign up to be a mentor.  The welcome night is on the first day of the quarter, September 30th from 4:30-6:00PM (yes, food included). Please sign up via the catalyst survey by Friday, Sept. 25th at noon.   Mentors will meet in room 691 of the Allen Center for CS&E at 430 on the 30th.  If you sign up, assume we’ll need your help and plan to show up. We’ll notify you if we get too many mentors, it’s never been a problem in the past, sadly.

We have over 230 new students starting this fall so we’ll need at least 60 mentors, so please consider helping out our newly admitted students..

Hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready to dive into a fun new year. We look forward to working with you.


CSE Advising: Crystal, Raven, Jen, and Maggie (Maggie joined us over the summer and is our new academic advisor)

Director of Student Services
Computer Science & Engineering
Paul G. Allen Center Box 352350
185 Stevens Way Seattle, WA 98195

September 22, 2015

Blog/Email Clean-up

Hello CSE folks!

This is a quick note to let you know that we will be ‘cleaning’ out the blog and email lists today. We’ll be removing all the email addresses of graduated students.  For students who have the digest or preferences set up, you may need to re-create those preferences.   We only do this once a year, so hopefully this isn’t too big of an inconvenience.

For Alumni, we encourage you to sign up for our Alumni Email lists:

We also encourage you to link up with us on LinkedIn if you use that site.  We have several groups for CSE including a new one I just started for folks who are interested in volunteering for either K-12 or University events in the future.

If you are not on LinkedIn but would still like to volunteer with us, you can use this catalyst survey.

We really love to keep in touch with Alumni, so please let us know where you’re headed, what you’re up to and what’s new in your lives as you go on to your next adventures.


CSE Advising





August 24, 2015

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