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Summer CSE Course Offerings, Graduation, Course Overloads

Happy Spring Break! Here are a few updates/reminders from the advisors:

-This summer, CSE will be offering 331 and 333 (the summer time schedule online is not yet up to date- we will not be offering 332).

-If you plan on graduating in the spring, you must have a graduation application on file by April 15th. You can make an appointment with us, or come to drop-ins April 14th or earlier.

-If you would like to enroll in a CSE course that is currently full, plan on attending the first day of class. The instructor will have instructions about overloading.

March 22, 2016

Nominate your favorite pre-UW teacher for recognition!

Hello, CSE students. Every two years, CSE hosts an Inspirational Teachers Dinner to honor your most influential teachers from high school and community colleges. Please help us identify these great instructors by nominating a former teacher here:

We’ll contact all nominated teachers to share your appreciation — so please nominate your far-flung favorites as well as locals. Teachers who live within two hours driving distance from Seattle will also be invited to our spring Inspirational Teachers Dinner. If your nominee attends the dinner, you are also welcome to join us for the dinner.

We also ask for nominees on the CSE New Student Survey. If you remember nominating when you declared CSE, there’s no need to re-nominate them.

February 5, 2016

Undergraduate Research Reminders

A few reminders about research:
  • Please make sure to register for any graded 498 or ungraded 499 research you are doing this quarter. You can register through MyCSE. In addition, please remember to enter paid research into your MyCSE portal.
  • Each student is limited to 6 graded credits of 498 research (the limit is 9 if you are doing honors). 498A is the regular graded research option, 498B is the honors option.
  • Also, please consider applying to present at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium! The Symposium is on Friday, May 20th, and applications are due February 22nd. See here for more details.
January 20, 2016

CSE Advising notes: Registration, graduation filing, research

This is just a brief reminder to everyone about a few notes from advising:

  • Starting this week the UW will charge you $20/day that you make changes to your record.  So if you are switching sections, dropping a course, or adding research, try to do it all in one day.

Second, everyone should take note that just about every 400 level course that was packed full has anywhere from 5-15 spaces in it. We really can’t solve this problem for any of you, but the longer you hold onto courses, the more you stress out your comrades.  Everything was super full the last week of Dec.  Next time registration comes around and you’re worried that courses are full, keep this in mind.  I wish there was a good solution for this, but we don’t have one.  If you have suggestions, feel free to email ugrad-advisor@cs

We did have a few issues getting everyone into 332, 312 and 344, but at least in those cases, students have a lot more flexibility in their coursework.  We are trying to increase all class sizes to continue to make this process easier moving forward. Since we have grown every year, it’s a bit of a moving target.

  • If you haven’t filed for graduation yet, you need to do that.   If you are graduating in Winter, you have until the 3rd Friday of this quarter, if you are graduating spring or summer, you should still try to file sometime this quarter, but it doesn’t matter so much when you do it.
  • If you want to sign up for research, there is an online form linked from the research pages. Please be very careful which “type” of research you sign up for. There is a max of 9 credits of honors 498B, and 6 total credits for 498A.  A max of 9 total credits of any combination of 498 graded research.  See the research pages for more information.
January 11, 2016

More information about changes in CSE 401

We’ve heard some rumbling in the student population about changes in 401.   We contacted the instructors of the course to see if they were interested in sharing more information about the new changes and here’s what they had to say:

Changes to CSE 401 in Winter 16.  
Professors Ras Bodik and Alvin Cheung are introducing new material to CSE401.  The course, offered in Winter 2016, remains focused on the implementation of programming languages but it broadens its scope from traditional compilation of general-purpose languages to techniques that have become the industry standard in the recent decade, specifically domain-specific languages such as jQuery, d3, Spark, and Hadoop.  These languages, often called frameworks, have become indispensable to program complex internet-scale and datacenter systems and have become a must knowledge for any advanced developer. In addition, the class will show students how to apply such implementation techniques to latest advances in programming languages research (for fun and profit), such as implementing languages for constraint solving and reactive programming.

January 7, 2016

Online chat advising available this week – advising from the comfort of your own home

If you don’t want to wait in a big line for an in-person meeting during dropins, feel free to ping me on gmail chat at my ceney@cs email or through skype ceney@cs again if you have questions. I’ll be online 10-11 and 2-330 during regular dropins hours to help with questions.


January 6, 2016

Changes coming to the CSE Advising Team

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all enjoying your break. I wanted to alert you to a few changes in the CSE Advising Team coming up this winter/spring quarter.

First, we are happy to announce that we have hired one of your very own, CSE major Jack Warren, to serve as a peer advisor. He will mostly be working with pre-majors, but also doing some current CSE major advising for the rest of this year. Stop in to dropin hours to say hi to Jack when you get a chance, we are happy to have him on board.

Additionally, I (Crystal) will be out on leave mid-January through mid-May.  While I’m away, Raven will be acting lead advisor for the CSE team.  Jenifer and Maggie will still be here as well to help you out.  Jenifer will be your point person for BS/MS questions.

And finally, we’ll also be trying a few more ‘online chat’ advising hours, so stay tuned for more information on that in the coming weeks.

Since the CSE advising office will be slightly under-staffed for a few months, we ask for you to have an extra dose of patience during the first week or two of the quarter and during peak registration periods and ask that you try to plan ahead with your questions as much as possible.

Thank you,

~CSE Advising

Director of Student Services
Computer Science & Engineering
Paul G. Allen Center Box 352350
185 Stevens Way Seattle, WA 98195

December 29, 2015

Reminder: BSMS info session Dec. 9th 4pm

Just a reminder about the BSMS Information Session tomorrow, Wed. Dec. 9th at 4pm in room 691 here in the Allen Center. This is for anyone considering applying to the 5th year CSE masters program in June.

~ CSE Advising

December 8, 2015

REMINDER: Undergraduate student fall survey

Dear CSE Students,

We do really need your help with this survey, we are below the threshold promised for student participation and truly encourage your support.


Recently, you received an email and link requesting your participation in a survey for the

Computing Research Association (CRA). If you have not already done so, I encourage

you to complete their brief survey on the experiences of computing students, which will

take no more than 25 minutes to complete. The survey will close January 3rd, 2016 at

11:59 PM, EST.


Should you decide to complete the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a $100

gift card to Amazon!


If you are interested in completing the survey, please click the link below, or copy and

paste the URL into your internet browser:


The survey is being conducted by the CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline

(CERP). For more information on CERP, please visit their website:

Many thanks in advance!

December 8, 2015

BSMS (5th year masters) Information Session

If anyone is interested in learning more about the 5th year masters (BSMS) program, please join us for an information session on Wednesday Dec. 9th 4-5pm in room 691 (Gates Commons) of the Paul G. Allen Center for CS&E.


November 23, 2015

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