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Teaching Draft for 2017-2018 now live and news regarding CSE 446

Teaching Schedule for 17-18

For those who are interested, the tentative teaching schedule is up for next year, 2017-2018 courses.

This is always subject to change, but it’s our current best guess at what will be offered next year.

CSE 446 news

*Please note that Math 308 is now a required prerequisite course for CSE 446.  While the system will still allow you to register for the course this fall without math 308, you will be expected to have that knowledge going into the course. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact us at

CSE Advising

May 3, 2017

Present your posters at the 2017 CSE Spring Poster Session!

Hello CSE undergrads!

We are excited to announce our first-ever Paul G. Allen School Spring Poster Session! All students who have participated in any capstone or project courses this year are encouraged to apply to present their posters.

The Event

The 2017 Allen School undergraduate poster session will be held on Thursday, June 8th, from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Atrium. The poster session is open to all BS and BS/MS students who participated in a capstone course (such as 475 and 481) or project course (such as 440 and 446) during the 2016-17 academic year.

This will be a more formal event, with high profile CSE alumni and friends coming to view your work. Attendance will be by invitation only. Presenting students are welcome to bring family members, as it will be the day before our CSE commencement ceremony.

Because space is limited, there is a short application process. Student posters will be selected based on various factors including the quality of the abstract in the application, the likely interests of the Allen School alumni/friends visiting, and our goal to present a wide range of ‘cool’ projects from multiple courses.

Why participate?

  1. There will be a prize! A panel of judges in attendance will vote on the 2017 Project of the Year. Presenters of the winning poster, in addition to all the kudos associated with being the first-ever awardees, will receive $1,000 to split among the group.
  1. You can have another chance to show off that project you have worked so hard on. Presenters will get to meet and talk about their projects to smart, talented friends of CSE.

The Details

  • At least one member of the team must be at the poster session to represent the poster.
  • At least one member of the team who will be present at the event must be enrolled as a CS, CE, or CSEM student.
  • Fall 2016, Winter 2017, and Spring 2017 capstone and poster project courses are all eligible to participate.

Application Process

Fill out this short form:

Applications are due by end of day on May 7th

Presenters will be notified by May 12th.

Questions? email

April 27, 2017

UW Survey – request for your participation

Dear CSE students,

We hope your spring quarter is going well.  The Allen School is committed to ensuring that our students have the best possible experience here at the UW — both within and outside the classroom.  You can help us help you by completing the Student Experience at the Research University (SERU) survey.  You should have received an invitation to participate, but we are making this special request on behalf of CSE

The SERU is your chance to tell UW how things are going so that we might improve the UW experience for you and future students.  As a thank you, all students who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for one of twenty $50 UW Book Store gift cards, one of twenty $50 Amazon gift cards, or one of six $250 prepaid Visa cards.

If you have already completed the SERU, thank you!  Otherwise, you can access the survey here.

Additionally, if you are a graduating senior, please make sure you have filled out the CSE student survey that directly relates to what the Allen School can do to improve in the future. You can access that link through your MyCSE portal.  Once you apply to graduate the link will be on the main page in Red at the top right when you enter the MyCSE portal.

Thank you!

CSE Advising

April 24, 2017

Apply now to be a CSE Peer Adviser!

Hello, CSE majors! If you’re interested in helping students and working with the CSE Advising team, consider applying to be a 2017-18 Peer Adviser: Full position description here.

In brief: The CSE Peer Advisers work 5-10 hours per week during the quarter. They counsel individual students, present information, and help with occasional events; meet with high school students (and families), current UW pre-major students, and CSE majors; and discuss academic planning, what computer science/engineering is, CSE admissions, how to prep for industry, and how to connect with opportunities.  Our Peer Advisers bring the incredibly valuable expertise of actually studying computer science or engineering — something none of our professional advisers has done. 🙂

Hiring details:

Application open now, closing Monday May 1

Start date: Autumn quarter 2017, preferably for the full year but dates are negotiable
Training should take place in Spring and Summer 2017; exact dates are flexible  

To apply: Complete the online application here and send a resume to

Questions: Contact Jenifer about hiring logistics or advising in general, or contact current Peer Advisers Riley and Mari about their experience in this position.

April 19, 2017

CSE Graduation Information – first update and an action item – update address on MyUW

Hello students,
If you are planning to graduate this spring or summer (or did graduate fall or winter) please make sure to update your mailing addresses in the MyUW portal. We’ll be sending graduation invitations to all graduating seniors’ permanent address, unless you are an international student, and then we will send it to your local address.  Here are the initial details.  More information will follow.
2017 Paul G. Allen School Graduation Celebration
Friday, June 9, 20176:00pm
Hec Edmundson Pavillion
*Doors open at 5pm.
Coffee and cake reception on the Hec Ed concourse immediately following the formal program.
We will be sending around the sign-up form for participants (BS, MS, and PhD) in April. Note that attendees do not need tickets, so students can invite the whole family!
April 11, 2017

Spring Quarter Notes for 2017

A few spring quarter notes for everyone:

  1. Welcome back! We hope you had a nice, restful (perhaps too quick) spring break and are ready for one last run through the quarter.
  2. If you are still trying to get into a full CSE course, please attend the first day, put your name on the overload request form, and then wait with patience. Unless your situation is highly unusual, showing up to dropins this week won’t be helpful. You just need to wait.  We will try to have all decisions made by Friday.
  3. If you don’t have ANY CSE courses yet, please put that note on the overload request form.
  4. If you are planning to graduate this spring and have NOT applied yet, you have until the 3rd Friday of this quarter to submit your final paperwork.
  5. If you plan to graduate in fall or winter, you should apply to graduate by May 4th, 2017 if you want graduating senior priority status for fall and winter next year.
  6. If you have to email the advisors about a section switch or anything course registration related: please include your student number, full name and the sln’s of the lecture and section in question

Thank you!

CSE Advising: Crystal, Raven, Jenifer, Maggie and Chloe

March 27, 2017

Mentor a new CSE major! Welcome night is next Wednesday!

Hello undergrads! We hope you’re having a great spring break.

There are a bunch of new CSE admits who are starting the major next week and who could really use your wisdom. If you have been in the major for more than a quarter and have a few hours next Wednesday afternoon to help out, or if you don’t but would still like to be a resource for new students, we could really use your help!

Welcome night will be Wednesday, March 29th from 4:30-6:30 (end time is fairly flexible).  If you can help us out, please let us know by filling this out ASAP:

There will be burritos for those who participate, but the REAL reason to volunteer is to help all of our new majors learn how welcoming and inclusive this community of undergraduates are here in UW CSE.

March 21, 2017

How to control what messages you see with this blog

Do you want more control over the types of emails you see coming into the ugrad blog?
You should know that you have the power to alter which types of emails you see from the Ugrad News Blog.  We categorize most of what we send out, and if it’s not directly relevant to CSE students, we mark it “miscellaneous“.  If you follow the steps below, you won’t have to see those messages any more.

Please note that you are, as a CSE Major, responsible for reading the official mail that we post for the rest of the categories. If you opt out of all or most of our messages, you may miss out on very important messages about: registration, graduation, free food, and free money.

If you opt out of ‘miscellaneous’ you won’t miss anything crucial, but you may miss something entertaining, educational, or UW oriented.


1. Go to the UGrad News Blog

2. Select “Edit your profile” 2nd link on the left

3. Select subscribe2 on the left menu, under subscribed categories, uncheck “miscellaneous”

Please let us know of any feedback you have,

CSE Advising

February 21, 2017

Registration notes for spring 2017

Hey folks!

We have a few updates for spring 2017 registration.

1.  CSE 446 will be moving times to T/TH 9-10:20am, there will be no assigned sections.

2. CSE 470 will no longer have required sections, they should be removed soon.

3. Data Visualization will count as a CSE core course.

4. Capstone add codes have been mailed out today for those who have their name on the list. If you do NOT plan to use the add code, please respond to the message with that information so others can be placed into the course.

5. Any additional capstone space will open up on 2/21.

Director of Student Services
Computer Science & Engineering
Paul G. Allen Center Box 352350
185 Stevens Way Seattle, WA 98195

February 9, 2017

Summer courses and Important information regarding CSE 369

Important announcements about registration:

First, ALL CE students and any CS wanting to take hardware courses, please note that CSE 369 will not be offered this *fall* quarter, so you should plan to take it by spring if you need EE 371 or other hardware courses before next spring.

Second, here is the proposed lineup for summer quarter:



And finally, we’re going to hope to have the fall proposed ugrad course schedule out by the time spring quarter starts, but for now, you can just look at past years and make your best guess as to what will be offered since we try to keep things similar year to year.

January 26, 2017

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