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Solicitation for Research Award Nominees


Are you a fantastic undergrad researcher? Or, do you have a peer who is worthy of recognition for their research?

Nominations for the prestigious CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award are due at the end of October, and CSE will be nominating four students. Please email Maggie Ryan ( ASAP if you would like to recommend yourself or one of your peers for CSE to consider.
“This award program recognizes undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding potential in an area of computing research.  The award is primarily about research. While it is expected that successful nominees will have excellent academic records and will have engaged in some form of service (e.g., club leadership, teaching, peer tutoring), excellence in research is the primary consideration.” More info here. Feel free to email Maggie with questions.
September 13, 2017

Reminder: Capstone Registration

Just a friendly reminder that capstone registration closes tomorrow. Please submit your requests ASAP if you haven’t already.


Capstone and other Registration notes

We are finally ready to open up the capstone registration for 2017-2018. It will close on September 6th, 2017.  While there are exceptions, most students should have completed the majority of their 300 level courses and ideally one 400 before taking a capstone course.  The details that we have on each capstone course in the coming year are listed on the capstone experience page.

The link to pre-register is also on that page.    Around Sept. 15th we’ll send out capstone assignments.  You will be sent add codes if the course is being offered this fall, otherwise, you’ll receive add codes during winter and spring registration.


September 5, 2017

Capstone and other Registration notes

We are finally ready to open up the capstone registration for 2017-2018. It will close on September 6th, 2017.  While there are exceptions, most students should have completed the majority of their 300 level courses and ideally one 400 before taking a capstone course.  The details that we have on each capstone course in the coming year are listed on the capstone experience page.

The link to pre-register is also on that page.    Around Sept. 15th we’ll send out capstone assignments.  You will be sent add codes if the course is being offered this fall, otherwise, you’ll receive add codes during winter and spring registration.

Please note that CSE 421 recently had to change times due to an unavoidable conflict.  We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.  The course will now be taught MWF 430-520PM.


August 17, 2017

Please add all research done ‘for pay’ this past year and your internships past and present to MyCSE

Hello CSE students!

A quick reminder that we need everyone to add Research for Pay and any Internships that you do to your MyCSE account. We have to track these things and it’s a huge help when our 1000+ students add it on their own, thank you in advance!


If you have paid research that you did not add in the past, you can email me Crystal ( the following:

Your name:

Your Student number:

Title of your research (you can make this up)

Hours per week worked:

Faculty person you worked with in CSE:

July 24, 2017

One more update on BSMS 5th year masters

We have decided that we will open a small admission cycle for BSMS students between fall and winter quarter next year.  This is in response to some student concerns about the late policy change requiring students to still be enrolled undergraduates at the time they apply to the BSMS program.
We have been asked if students who are not admitted this June can re-apply at the end of fall quarter. While the answer is yes, we will be only admitting a very small number of people and the focus will be students who were affected by the policy change. Please also keep in mind that there may not be enough that has changed in your application during one quarter to make much of a difference in the outcome.  Your primary focus should still be on an application this round, and you should meet with us before deciding to reapply at the end of fall.
Thank you for your patience as we work together to improve our policies and procedures.
Crystal Eney & Jenifer Hiigli
BSMS Advising Team
June 7, 2017

Important update to 5th year masters application – must submit your application before you graduate with bachelors

In the past, we had a clause in the BSMS (5th year masters) application that allowed students to apply to the program up to one year after finishing their bachelor’s degree. This was originally meant to help students who were caught in the middle when we first created the program.  In recent years, no one has actually entered the program that late because most students find other paths fit better once they enter the workforce.

We have decided to officially close that clause and now all students who want to apply for the 5th year masters must apply before they graduate with their bachelor’s degree.  If you are graduating this spring 2017, you may still apply for this current cycle because you will submit your application by June 8th and you won’t graduate until the next week.

If you are graduating soon and were planning to apply next year, you should re-consider and put in an application for this current round.

We realize this is a late breaking change, so if anyone is negatively effected, please contact Jenifer or me ASAP so we can work with you on a plan for your specific situation.

As always, let us know if you have questions.

We did change recently alter deadline to apply to give students a few extra days, it’s now Thursday, June 8th at 24:00.


Crystal Eney
Director of Student Services
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Paul G. Allen Center Box 352350
185 Stevens Way Seattle, WA 98195
June 1, 2017

Dropins cancelled this Thursday morning, June 1st, and update on summer hours

We need to cancel morning dropins this Thursday June 1st. All other times will be the same.

Regular dropins will continue until June 9th.  After that we will be on summer schedule which is by appointment.  If you have urgent needs, you can try to stop by the front desk to see if an advisor is free, but ideally you would arrange in advance to see someone.

We hope your last week is going well and that you are all off to exciting summer plans. Please make sure to update any summer internships in your MyCSE portal.  We’ll see all the graduating students at the CSE event on June 9th!!

~CSE Advising

May 30, 2017

Revised BSMS application date – now June 8th

Students had asked for a few extra days for the BSMS (5th year masters) application deadline. We were able to adjust it slightly, so the new deadline is now Thursday, June 8th. Please have your application materials submitted by 24:00.


~CSE Advising

May 30, 2017

BS/MS (5th year masters) application now open!

Good Morning! The BS/MS application is now open.

FYI: You may not find a person you want to use as a reference in the drop down menu. If that is the case, it may be that:

  1. They are a graduate student. In that case, we generally encourage them to work with their faculty adviser to submit on their behalf. Please let us know if this is problematic.
  2. They may be a guest lecturer. In that case, if we still have contact with them we will try to include them.  Contact us with questions.
  3. They may be affiliate faculty and may not be in our system yet. Let us know and I’ll have it updated.

The application is linked from the BS/MS application page:

Here are the timelines for this application cycle:

May 19 – June 5th: Application Open
June 5th: Application Deadline
Decisions emailed late June

Questions? Email Jen <> or Crystal <>

May 19, 2017

Announcing CSE 301 – Internship Credit!


Big news: the Allen School is taking internship credit in-house starting internships scheduled for this summer! CSE 301 offers students the opportunity to explore and develop their careers through professional practice.
  • For full-time internships, register for credit the quarter you come back from internship – no extra fees!
  • You get 2 credits for full-time internships, 1 credit for part-time
  • First 2 credits count towards CSE senior electives, after that credit counts towards general electives
  • Assignments include a short pre- and post-assessment of skills, internship report, updated resume, and employer evaluation. See syllabus for more information.
If you have an internship this summer and want to sign up: 
  1. Read carefully through all online information:
  2. Fill out registration survey here for add code (linked on the above page)
  3. You will be emailed with an add code by the start of Period 2 registration

If you have already signed up for CPT or internship credit for this summer through the College of Engineering (ENGR 321): 

  • We encourage you to stick with ENGR 321 for this summer rather than redo your CPT paperwork.  If this is a concern for you, please check in.
If you have questions or concerns, please email Jenifer <>
May 11, 2017

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