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[SAC] Talent Show Website / Failure and Vulnerability Panelists

Thanks to everyone who came out to our first ever CSE’s Got Talent live event – it was a huge success! You can watch some of the talents that were showcased earlier as well as admire the talents of more CSE community members who weren’t showcased live here in the virtual museum:

SAC is hosting another event this Friday (5/29) at 6-7pm (PST) – a panel discussion on failure and vulnerability. You’ll get to hear from and converse with six distinguished leaders and faculty from the Allen School, as they talk about their experiences with failure and vulnerability. Our panelists are:

Magda Balazinska
Lauren Bricker
Yoshi Kohno
Hank Levy
Jen Mankoff
Kim Nguyen

RSVP here for the Zoom link:

We hope you’ll join us! See the source image


What is the SAC? We are a CSE student-run organization and our aim is to foster a positive learning environment for our peers by hosting events and discussion forums. We use input from you, the students, to guide our conversations with staff and faculty which ultimately lead to improvements in the school.

Failure and vulnerability poster with iceberg

May 27, 2020