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[SAC] RSVP for SAC’s Ugrad Research Panel!

Not sure if you want to get involved in research? Want to know more about research opportunities in CSE? Learn more about how to get involved in research at SAC’s Ugrad Research Panel!

Doing research is a great way to harness your technical skills, apply your knowledge from classes and build great relationships with faculty/other fellow researchers in the department. We’ll have 4 accomplished undergraduate researchers coming from different research fields who can help answer any questions you have on what undergraduate research is, pros/cons of doing research, pursuing graduate school, what the undergraduate research experience is like in the Allen School. And most importantly, you can ask how to get involved!

Event details:
Date/time: 5/25 at 6pm
RSVP here:
Zoom link:

Note that this event is geared towards undergraduates with no or limited experience with research, but everyone is welcome to come.

Hoping to see you there! Face with open mouthed smile emoji

CSE Ugrad Research Panel poster

What is the Student Advisory Council (SAC)? We are a CSE student organization that advocates for undergraduates and builds community. We gather your input and spark dialogues to enable change throughout the Allen School. Something on your mind? Feel free to email questions/comments/concerns to

May 20, 2020