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[ACM-W] ACM-W 2020-2021 Officer Election Results!!

Hello everyone!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our officer elections, we had a great turnout! 

We have counted up the results of the elections and we are proud to announce the ACM-W Officer Board for the 2020 – 2021 year:

Chair: Nayha Auradkar

Vice Chair: Rachel Ye

Treasurer: Amrita Narasimhan

Secretary: Elana Hummel

SR: Elizabeth Gossman

PR: Lynda Pham

Historian: Lani Dang

Congratulations to our new board, we’re excited to see your leadership in action next year!

Thank you to everyone who ran in our elections, to everyone who voted, and to everyone who joined the ACM-W community. Whether you became a member recently or have been an ally for a while, we appreciate everyone who helps us in supporting our mission. See you all next year!


2019 – 2020 ACM-W Board

May 18, 2020