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[SAC] Digital Card Design Contest

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Get ready to put some of your awesome art and design skills to good use!

Announcing the Digital Card Design Contest from the Student Advisory Council (SAC)! This is an opportunity for you to creatively design a card for others to write gratitude letters to friends, other students, or faculty! We hope that this will be a good chance for y’all to express your appreciation and gratitude to one another and make this rather desolate-feeling quarter feel a little less lonely. 🙂

Your card template submissions can be submitted here up to May 20th! (Please note that you must be logged into your CSE account to access this form).

We understand not all of us have access to tablets or printers, so feel free to use whatever medium suits you best. If you’d like, you can submit more than one card template! Once the submissions close, your card template(s) will be available for everyone in the CSE community to download! Between May 21st and May 24th end of day, you will be able to vote for your favorite card template, with the top three voted submissions winning a piece of Allen School swag (when campus opens again)! 

Have an awesome Week 7!

~Your pals @ SAC


May 13, 2020