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[SAC] Around the Allen School Journal

Want to meet other students in the Allen school? Are you tired of the view from your bedroom window? Check out what your Allen school peers are up to in quarantine and share some details about your life with Student Advisory Council’s (SAC) Around the Allen School journal! 🗺

You will be grouped with 5 other people, with each person writing a short introduction about themselves in your group’s journal slide deck. We’ll provide starter templates to make the process easy and convenient for you!

Sign up here:
Complete journal example:

Please let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!


Around the Allen School poster

What is the Student Advisory Council (SAC)? We are a CSE student organization that advocates for undergraduates and builds community. We gather your input and spark dialogues to enable change throughout the Allen School. Something on your mind? Feel free to email questions/comments/concerns to

May 11, 2020