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National Science Foundation recruiting students for virtual interviews

Dear CSE students:  The national science foundation is doing a study and they are looking to interview (virtually) some students who fit the description below. If you identify and would like to participate, please fill out this short survey and we’ll be in touch.  If we have more than a few volunteers, we may not be able to pass along all the names. Thank you!


We are looking to identify around 5 young people who don’t fit the the traditional profile of a CS major or professional—meaning they haven’t grown up in a tech oriented household, and don’t fit the typical socioeconomic, gender, and racial profile of the tech field.  In addition to the “non-traditional” individuals, we are also specifically looking for one or two young people who do fit the traditional profile of a CS major or professional.  For both groups, we would be interested in how their learning was supported in a variety of settings, including school, out of school programs and at home or online, and if they encountered any barriers, challenges, or discrimination as they pursued their CS interest. Ideally the young people of either profile are currently enrolled in a CS program, or have recently started a job in a computing related field.

March 31, 2020