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Study Request – COVID-19 Cough Monitoring App

From: Matt Whitehill <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 13:37:02 -0700
Subject: Study Request – COVID-19 Cough Monitoring App

Hi UW CS students –
If you’ve been looking for a way to contribute to the fight against COVID-19, we have a way!
We are a team of researchers with the UW UbiComp Lab and we are developing a cough monitoring app to allow health organizations to monitor the condition of self-quarantined COVID-19 patients.
To improve the algorithm’s performance, we are collecting coughs and other vocal sounds. The study will only take about 15 minutes and will involve 1) consent form, 2) demographic/health questionnaire and 3) producing 20 coughs and 5-10 samples of speech, throat clearing, and laughter.
We have about 35 participants right now and need 100 in order to adequately train our model. If you’re able to help out, we’d greatly appreciate it.
To complete the study, please visit here –  Please note, the study should be done on a computer.
If possible, please also pass this survey on to friends and family as we can use all the help we can get.
Thanks for you help and please stay safe!

Matt Whitehill
PhD Student – Computer Science and Engineering
University of Washington
March 30, 2020