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Panel: Artificial Intelligence for Public Interest (AI4PI)

Come check out a panel discussing Artificial Intelligence hosted by Impact++ partnered with Giving Tech Labs!
Thursday, November 22
CSE2 G010

Session Description:

Chief Scientist, Dr. Ying Li, of Giving Tech Labs will share lessons learned from her extensive experience in the private sector and her current framework for the practice of data science and AI for public interest.

The use of data science and AI, while strong in the private sector in the communications, financial services, healthcare, and digital media industries, is still emerging in the social impact and nonprofit sectors.

Dr. Ying Li currently leads the Artificial Intelligence for Public Interest (AI4PI) Program at Giving Tech Labs. Under her direction, the AI4PI team is taking on some of the most pressing issues in society by applying expertise in Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Prior to Giving Tech Labs, Dr. Li held leadership roles spanning the globe for organizations including The Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) and Microsoft.

The AI4PI Program offers intensive fellowships to academics and aspiring professionals of Computer Science, Behavioral Economics, Data Sciences Boot Camps and Applied Math interested in AI for good and the field of Public Interest Technology.

November 20, 2019