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Events (company) – week of November 4, 2019

Please be sure to check the undergrad calendar for more information on upcoming events:

Wednesday, November 6th, 11 a.m. – 12:00 noon, table in the Atrium (CSE1)
Open venture office hours
Joe Wallin (startup lawyer) of Carney Badley Spellman, and Randall Lucas (venture investor) of Voyager Capital, will resume their open venture office hour first Wednesdays at 11 am in the CSE atrium. Any school affiliates with an interest in starting or joining a startup company are welcome to join to discuss things like what it takes to form a corporation, how to raise investor capital, what kind of roles there are for CSE grads in startups, etc.

Wednesday, November 6th, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., table in the Atrium (CSE1)
Google office hours
Stop by and chat with team members from Google.

Wednesday, November 6th, 5:30-6:30 p.m., G01 (CSE2)
Zillow tech talk: Building a Charity Auction Using Modern Technologies

RSVP: Zillow.Events/UWTechTalk

Date: November 30 @ 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Location: Gates Center, G01-CSE2

Speakers: Learn how two Software Engineers used Serverless Framework, Elasticsearch, API Gateway and Authentication/Authorization to develop a fun project and raise money for charity.They’ll also discuss their work on Zillow Offers, a new way for consumers to sell their home. Food provided!

Wednesday, November 7th, 1:00-2:30 p.m., 305 (CSE1)
Samsung Uventure – Internship Competition Information Session
Description: The purpose of the Uventure program is to facilitate the discovery of new ideas to drive disruptive innovation. Based on the input from eligible university students submitted via the Uventure process, Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center will offer select students the opportunity to pursue development of their ideas through a 2020 summer internship program. Top 3 Teams (up to 3 students per team) will win:

  • Offer to join Samsung as 2020 summer interns plus a $1,000 cash prize*
  • Samsung mentorship, resources and reasonable monetary budget to execute your idea during the internship
  • Expenses-paid trip in April, prior to internship, to visit Samsung’s office in San Jose and present your idea to the SSIC Engineering team at an Award Event
  • Note: *Cash prize is given per team and internship offers are extended to each team member
November 5, 2019