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Graduate Level CSE seminars open to advanced undergraduates

This is a list of seminars for advanced undergraduates interested in these topic areas. They can be taken for one credit this fall if you receive permission of the instructor.

From Professor Tom Anderson (590s): and Professor Dan Suciu (590q):
In 590s and 590q this term, Dan Suciu and I will be hosting a coordinated seminar on the topic of  learned data structures for systems and databases, one of the hottest topics in systems today.  Attend if you want to learn how to use ML to build better b-trees, bloom filters, query planners, secondary indices, schedulers, video coders, etc. Normal seminar (single credit) registration, but you can also register for each of 590s and 590q, as they will meet separately for most weeks of the quarter.
Contact instructors for permission
 From Kurtis Heimerl:
Change Seminar: CSE 590 C1, contact instructor if interested
Professor Yoshi Kohno:
CSE 590Y Security Seminar – contact instructor if interested
Professor Michael Ernst:
CSE 590 N and 590P:These seminars are for students who are interested in research in software engineering and programming languages.  They are not intended for students who just want to become better programmers.
The seminars are offered every quarter, contact instructor if interested
September 26, 2019