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TWO DAYS LEFT to apply to DubHacks 2019!

Note: The last blog post incorrectly noted Dubhacks as happening on October 19 – 20, 2019. It’s actually happening Oct 12-13, 2019. The original blog post has been updated to reflect the correct dates.
There are only TWO DAYS LEFT to apply to DubHacks 2019!
If you didn’t already hear — DubHacks is the largest 24-hour collegiate hackathon in the Pacific Northwest.
We want you to come engage and connect with our incredible sponsors like Microsoft, Facebook, Qualtrics, Bloomberg, Google (and more!). Grab free swag, hang out with puppies, and eat free food and drinks for the entire weekend with us at DubHacks 2019 (did someone say free boba and bubble waffles?). We also exclusive access to HUB Games and a Smash Tournament with the grand prize of a brand new Nintendo Switch.
Best of all, you’ll spend the weekend collaborating and creating something meaningful with the brightest hackers from across the country!
What are you waiting for? Get connected, feel empowered, and start creating. Applications close THIS SUNDAY September 8, 2019 at 11:59PM (PST).
September 6, 2019