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Changes in Ugrad Advising

Hello CSE Students!

I wanted to alert you all to a few changes on the Ugrad advising team.
First, most of you should know by now, but Raven Avery is off on new adventures in California. Last week was her final week in the office.
Second, I’m pleased to announce that Chloe Dolese has been promoted to a new role.  We are re-focusing Raven‘s old position on diversity, outreach and retention efforts pertaining solely to the Ugrad program.  This is a great opportunity for Chloe to dive into an area she is passionate about, and we are very excited to work with her in this new role. Her working title will be Program Manager for Diversity and Access.  Chloe will supervise our outstanding program coordinator, Jeremy Munroe and the CSE Ambassadors.
Third, since Chloe will no longer be doing day to day advising, we have hired Chelsea Navarro as our new Ugrad academic adviser.  Chelsea worked in advising in the Foster School of Business several years ago and is now back in the states after a few years teaching abroad.  We are thrilled to have Chelsea join our team.
Chloe moved to Raven‘s old office and Chelsea moved into Chloe‘s office next to me and Jen.
The rest of the crew is still here and working hard for our 1500+ ugrad students: Jenifer, Maggie, Leslie, Kim and Pim.
Crystal Eney
Director of Student Services
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering
Box 352355
3800 E. Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA 98195


August 28, 2019