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Gear Up for Fall 2019 Recruiting

TLDR: New Grad 2020 & Summer 2020 Internship job postings are going up. It’s time for Juniors and Seniors to start applying online!

Yo Allen School Fam!

It’s your friendly, neighborhood career counselor, Kim Nguyen, checking in! For those of you that are new to the department or aren’t familiar with my background, check out my LinkedIn ( Mostly, it serves as an explanation as to why you should consider listening to things I have to say 😀

It’s time to kick off the Fall 2019 recruiting season! That’s right, y’all. Application postings for summer 2020 internships and 2020 new grad fulltime positions are starting to go LIVE on many of your favorite company websites. I know- it’s STILL summer.  How is this happening already? Well, turns out being on the quarter system has some disadvantages, one of them being that semester schools set the pace for the university/college recruiting cycle since they start first. Recruiters are typically given a specific # of interns and fulltime candidates to recruit for and they’ll be going hard over the next few months to fulfill their hiring goals. Internship positions typically fill up by the end of fall quarter, so it’s GO TIME!

For Juniors (graduating in Spring 2021) and Seniors (graduating before Spring 2020), it’s time to brush up your resumes and apply online. You should aim to have your applications in by mid-September (but the earlier the better). For those of you that are freshmen, sophomores, or haven’t taken CSE 332 (data structures) yet- please DO NOT panic. Y’all have another blog post coming your way that will help set expectations for what your recruiting experience might be like.

Stay Tuned!


PS. I’m going to start making more frequent blog posts on career-related topics. If you have a question or topic you’d like me to cover, hit me with your requests here: Next week, you can expect a resume kick-start guide.


BTW, because I’m nice, I’ve started a list of application links for companies that hired the most from the Allen School last year organized by experience level. You’re welcome.

For Seniors graduating by or before Spring 2020:



Google (2020 grad not open yet but keep an eye on this page):

Facebook (2020 grad not open yet but keep an eye on this page):[0]=University%20Grad%20-%20Business&teams[1]=University%20Grad%20-%20Engineering%2C%20Tech%20%26%20Design#openpositions

Apple (looks like they don’t have a specific 2020 grad SWE link so you’ll have to start looking through their actual career site):

For Juniors that will be graduating by Spring 2021 and have taken CSE 332:




Google (2020 summer not open yet but keep an eye on this page):

Facebook(2020 summer not open yet but keep an eye on this page):[0]=Internship%20-%20Engineering%2C%20Tech%20%26%20Design&teams[1]=Internship%20-%20Business#openpositions

For Freshmen and Sophomores graduating AFTER Spring 2021 have yet to take CSE 332:

Microsoft Explore Internship:

Google BOLD/Engineering Practicum:

Facebook University (2020 apps not open yet but keep an eye on this page):

Amazon Future Engineer (2020 apps not open yet but keep an eye on this page):

August 19, 2019