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Allen AI Outstanding Engineer Scholarship for Women and Underrepresented Minorities Provided by AI2

The Allen AI Outstanding Engineer Scholarship for women and underrepresented minorities exists to encourage underrepresented groups to excel in computer science and engineering and become leaders and role models in their fields. The scholarship covers full tuition, fees, and textbooks for one academic year. It is accompanied by mentorship and a paid summer internship at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

Why we’re awarding this: We believe that diversity is fundamental to the greatest advances in science; a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences are necessary to combat the echo chamber effect so prevalent in technology companies. Encouraging diversity demonstrably results in teams with greater resilience and adaptability and produces a wider range of tools and strategies. We also believe it is important not just to attract diversity to CSE programs, but to nurture lifelong careers, and lend assistance to those who might not have equal access to opportunity.

Why you should apply: This scholarship comes paired with an internship at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field with a tremendous impact on the future of technology, and you can help make the field more accessible and inclusive!

We’re not just looking for individuals interested in the AI field – we’re looking for strong engineers to join our team.

About AI2: AI2 is a non-profit research institute in Seattle founded by Paul Allen and headed by Professor Oren Etzioni. Our core mission is to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. We face these engaging challenges with the expertise of a large company and the work ethic of a startup.


  1. Undergrad in UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering; currently in program as a Junior and completed or be enrolled in two 300 level CSE courses.
  2. Good academic standing (GPA of 3.0 or above).
  3. Must meet criteria of woman, non-binary, or under-represented minority.
  4. Must be available to complete a 12-week internship in Summer 2019.

How to Apply:

  1. Email including your demographic information as it pertains to this scholarship)
  2. Include Academic transcripts
  3. Include Essays (Questions below)
  4. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Sunday September 1st, 11:59pm


Personal Essays: Answer all of these questions. Please limit your response to 400-500 words per question.

  1. Personal Statement. Tell us more about your journey. How would this scholarship impact you and help you succeed?
  2. What about computer science interests you? What would you plan to do with your computer science degree after graduation?
  3. Which programming/engineering classes have you taken? Describe any other programming and work experiences (e.g. work/internships, class projects, hobbies, etc) you have had.
August 9, 2019