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Graduating soon? Apply now!

Attention graduating CSE majors!

If you are graduating at the end of this fall, winter or spring quarter, it’s time to file for graduation!  First, please check your degree audit in your MyPlan  to see if you have a projected graduation date. If you do, you’re good to go. If you don’t, please follow the steps below to apply to graduate online. This means that you will only need to physically come in to advising to talk about graduation if you have extensive questions.  Everyone needs to first fill out this survey, regardless of questions.

There are four steps:

  1. Go to your MyPlan and enter all the courses you plan to take until you graduate and run a Degree Audit.
  2. Update your Co-Op/Internship and Scholarship Information by using the MyCSE page, which will allow us to update our records on where our students worked before graduating. This information is kept in an internal CSE database.  Please make sure to email ugrad-advisor@cs if you did paid research with CSE faculty and it’s not showing up in the MyCSE system.  Include your student number, faculty research contact, number of hours/week worked and title of your project.
  3. Fill out our CSE Graduating Student Online Form. You must login with your CSE Gmail Account Credentials.  Please do this as soon as you are confident you know your graduation quarter.
  4. After we file your graduation application (we’ll have hundreds to process so likely mid-Sept is when we will complete this process), we will send you a summary email and you will receive an email from the graduation office sent to your @uw account regarding your graduation application. You must open that email and confirm your graduation application before it will be entered into the system

If you are pursuing a double major or double degree, you’ll need to file graduation paperwork with your other department as well.

You do NOT need to come in for an appointment if you fill out the above form. We will contact you if we have questions or concerns.

Thank you!

~CSE Advising

July 31, 2019