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Interested in grad school? Join the national name exchange now!

Dear Student:

The University of Washington belongs to the  Name Exchange (NNE)  Consortium, a consortium of universities nationwide whose goal is to inform minority undergraduate students of the opportunities available in graduate school. We would like to invite you to participate in this name exchange by clicking on the link below. By doing so, you will receive graduate admissions and financial aid information from many of the participating institutions. Click on this link for the entire list of National Name Exchange participants.

How to Participate:
It is quick and easy to participate in the NNE. Information you provide using the secure web site will be accessed only by representatives from participating universities who will provide you information about their graduate programs, summer research, and internship opportunities. The absolute deadline for participation is Friday, July 26, 2019. Once this deadline is passed, we will be unable to make any changes to the profile in your database. Click on the link below:

Once on the site, insert the invitation code: WelcomeNNE2019
Please be advised this is a case sensitive password!

Note: You have been invited to participate in the NNE based on your demonstrated academic merit. Please do not pass this invitation code on to others. Congratulations on your achievement. We look forward to your continued scholarship in graduate school! For more information on the National Name Exchange, visit their website at:


Les Sessoms, MA

Recruitment & Retention Specialist | Graduate Programs
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352355 | Seattle, WA 98195-2355
Ph:  206-221-2784

Email: www.cs.washington.eduSchedule an advising appointment with me via our Ph.D. advising scheduling page
July 30, 2019