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BS/MS Application Open Now!

Hello! The BS/MS application is now open.

A couple of notes about the application:

  • We will contact your faculty recommenders after the application closes. You should talk to them in advance, but do not need to coordinate the actual recommendation process.
  • You may not find a person you want to use as a reference in the drop down menu. If that is the case, it may be that:
    1. They are a graduate student with whom you have been doing research. In that case, we generally encourage them to work with their faculty adviser to submit on their behalf. Please let us know if this is problematic. Graduate students who have taught courses are fine to have as references and should be on there.
    2. They may be a guest lecturer. In that case, if we still have contact with them we will try to include them.  Contact us with questions.
    3. They may be affiliate faculty and may not be in our system yet. Let us know and I’ll have it updated.
    4. They may be totally unaffiliated with CSE. If you would still like to use them as references, please email Jen.

The application is linked from the BS/MS application page:

Here are the timelines for this application cycle:

May 20 – June 9th: Application Open
June 9th 11:59pm: Application Deadline
Decisions emailed early July

Questions? Email Jen <>

May 20, 2019