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Allen and Gates Center Reception closing 3pm, Friday May 17

From: Tracy Erbeck <>
Date: Wed, May 15, 2019 at 3:22 PM
Subject: [Vgrads] Allen and Gates Center Reception closing 3pm, Friday May 17
To: Researchers <>, cs-staff – Mailing List <>, vgrads – Mailing List <>, cs-ugrads – Mailing List <>


Allen School staff, faculty, students, researchers, friends…..
Reception in both the Allen Center and Gates Center will close at 3pm on May 17th.
Please plan accordingly.
 If you anticipate needing reception help on Friday after 3pm (packages, visitors, catering),  coordinate with myself or Sophie Ostlund ahead of time for arrangements.
Tracy A Erbeck
Director of Facilities
Paul G Allen School for Computer Science and Engineering
206.543.9264 (p)
May 16, 2019