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Vulnerability Posters in Undergraduate Commons

Tl; dr We’ve put up some posters in the CSE2 undergraduate commons for you to stick dots on if you relate to the prompt. There’s also a poster for you to be vulnerable and share a story of failure if you wish. Your input counts, and it could help your peers. It’s anonymous, so go do it!

You’ve probably heard multiple times that failure is a great opportunity and it isn’t something to be afraid or ashamed of. However, CSE has developed a culture of being extremely ambitious, and handling failure among a community of such high-performing peers is particularly difficult. Our high-achieving community can lead to lots of us feeling inadequate and that we don’t belong here. Often in CSE we overhear people talking about their accomplishments, but rarely do we talk about our experiences with failure (and, shocking as it may be, every single one of us has failed at some point). Come break the ice, be vulnerable, and help your peers by showing your fellow CSE classmates that we are not a community of ultra-perfect beings and that we are, in fact, human.

Stay tuned for our upcoming failure and vulnerability panel discussion!

— CSE Student Advisory Council

April 8, 2019