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Next Ugrad Lunch with Allen School Director Hank Levy – April 3rd 12-1pm

The next Ugrad Lunch with the Director, Hank Levy, will be the first week of spring quarter on Wednesday, April 3rd from 12-1pm, Zillow Commons (4th Floor Gates Center).  We need an RSVP ahead of time so please take a minute to fill it out if there is any chance that you’ll be able to stop by even for part of the hour. This event is for any current Computer Science or Computer Engineering Undergraduate who is interested in hearing more about the department from the Director.

RSVP Link: You will need to sign in with your CSE Google Account

This is a chance for CSE Current Students  to eat pizza, talk with Hank, eat more pizza, talk with advisors, and eat more pizza. We’re hoping to collect questions ahead of time, so please let us know what you’d like to hear about so we can make the best use of your time.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Crystal Eney
Director of Student Services
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering

March 20, 2019