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Survey and update from Allen School Director search advisory committee

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From: Lucia Ersfeld <>
Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 11:31 AM
Subject: Survey and update from Allen School Director search advisory committee

 Sent on behalf of Professors Mari Ostendorf and Tom Daniel, co-chairs of the Allen School Director search advisory committee.


Dear Faculty, Students, and Staff,

As you learned in a letter from Dean Michael Bragg, in anticipation of the conclusion of Professor Hank Levy’s current term as the inaugural Director of the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, the dean has appointed a search committee charged with identifying and recommending the best candidates to serve as the next Director. In a note to us, the dean  indicated “We all believe that the Allen School will continue to increase its national and international impact and leadership under an outstanding new director.”

Toward these ends, we now turn to you for advice regarding this search for a new Director. In particular, we would like to hear your thoughts about the challenges facing the School as well as the opportunities the director will have to build on its strengths. All specific comments will remain confidential; common themes will be summarized in the committee report to the dean.

We will be setting up in-person meetings with members of the committee. There will be 30-min time slots for designated groups scheduled to meet with us in early April, and there will also be opportunities for individuals to meet with us in confidence, should they wish.  We will send details of the schedule in the near future.  

In the meantime, we have also put together an anonymous web survey, which can be found here:

Please respond to the poll by March 25.

We look forward to meeting with or hearing from you as we advise the dean on this important appointment. Thank you for your help.


Professor Mari Ostendorf (Committee Co-Chair)

Department of Electrical and Computer and Engineering

Professor Tom Daniel (Committee Co-Chair)

Department of Biology


Assistant to the Dean

College of Engineering

367 Loew Hall  Box 352180 
Seattle, WA 98195 
206.543.1829  /   fax 206.685.0666  /



March 18, 2019