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[ACM] Become a Big for the CSE Big/Little Program!

Hello everyone!

We are continuing our ACM Big Little Program and are looking for volunteers to act as mentors for our new Spring 2019 Admits!

Who can be a Big?

If you have been a Allen School student for at least 2 quarters (including Winter 2019) and have already taken CSE 311, you are eligible to be a Big. Specifically, we are looking for anyone excited to meet and guide new students in the CSE major. Depending on the number of participants, the number of Littles you have will vary but we had a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio of Bigs to Littles in the past!

If you were a Big previously, you are more than welcome to sign up again!

Why be a Big?

As our program begins to expand, the amount of students who are new to the Allen School (or in some cases, to UW) is increasing drastically. We want to ensure that our Allen School community continues to be a supportive environment despite the growth in student numbers. Being a Big is a great way to connect with new CSE students. We hope to match you with students that have similar backgrounds, interests or pathways to you to ease their transition into the Allen School.

Time Commitment

We expect Bigs and Littles to meet up on their own time to get coffee/boba, study, or eat dinner a couple of times throughout the quarter.

Additionally, ACM will host a variety of events specifically for Bigs and Littles. As we understand people may have time conflicts, they will not be mandatory –  only highly encouraged!

To volunteer, please submit this volunteer form by Wednesday, March 13th at 11:59PM.

Thanks for all your help!


March 7, 2019