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Gates Center dedication events – PLEASE READ!

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From: Ed Lazowska
Date: Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 12:13 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Gates Center dedication events – PLEASE READ!

Members of the Allen School,

Thursday February 28th, from 1:00-4:00 is the formal dedication event for the Bill & Melinda Gates Center. This event is donor-focused, invitation-only (due to the limited capacity of even our spiffy new 4th floor Event Center). There will be a program in the Event Center from 1:30-2:15. Then there will be both escorted and self-guided tours of the building and various labs from 2:15-4:00.

IMPORTANT: All of the card-key doors will be unlocked during the tours. If you’re a resident of the Gates Center, DO NOT leave valuables exposed during this period – wallets, laptops, etc. I doubt our donors want your wallet – quite the opposite! But random people may wander into the building, and we will have no way to restrict their access to internal spaces.

ALSO IMPORTANT: As you always do, please have a smile on your face and welcome people into your space. We had a “preview event” for a subset of donors a month ago, and Dave Cutler was thrilled to see the Dave Cutler lab full of students, and to have one student recognize him and thank him. That sort of thing goes a LONG way!

Friday from 2:00-5:00 is an Open House targeting regional alums, people from across the campus, and members of the Allen School. (All of you who are not actually doing demos are encouraged to take advantage of the Open House!) There will again be both escorted and self-guided tours of the building and various labs, and again all of the card-key doors will be unlocked. The Open House will be publicized pretty widely on campus, so please be particularly alert – “if you see something, say something.” (Don’t call me – I’m a wimp. Call Tracy!)

The Microsoft Cafe is supposed to begin operation by Thursday – it should be up and running for the dedication and thereafter.

Finally, a plea to all occupants of the Gates Center: Please do everything you can to keep the place looking great for our donors and guests.


Ed Lazowska

Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering

Cs-ugrads mailing list

February 24, 2019