Just a few notes for spring quarter 2019:
*Add codes for overloading: We will not be giving any add codes out to overload courses, please do not come to Quick Questions for that reason.
*One caveat: But I have a unique problem, who can help? If you have a unique situation that may require an add code to register, you can email the ugrad-advisor@cs email address, or come to Quick Questions, but just saying “It’s full I want an add code” isn’t enough. You need to have a truly special case such as 1. Your major hasn’t changed 2. You have a special per-requisite situation, etc.
*Capstones: Add codes were sent out for everyone who was pre-assigned a capstone. If you thought you should have received one, but didn’t, please email ugrad-advisor@cs with your original email received regarding the capstone assignment. If you are graduating this quarter and are CE or BSMS and need a capstone to graduate, you should also send email. Everyone else, capstone space will be opened as soon as most of the add codes have been used and if we have room. Resource-Constrained environment, 482 B is open now. Others will open as soon as we can.
*Steps to take if a class is full: Sign up on ‘notify’ and make sure your MyPlans are up to date so we can try to do a better job of forecasting interest in advance. You are welcome to attend the first week and hope to grab a space if someone drops.
*But all my favorite courses are full: Yes, courses are going to fill fast, but keep in mind students always ‘hoard’ courses and then drop them the first week. After the first week there was space in just about every course this past winter. We don’t like this any more than you folks do, but please be patient and most students get the courses they need. (And, please don’t hoard courses) Also, holding a course for a friend is strictly against UW policy and students will be hearing from the Registrar’s office, so please let the system work the way it’s supposed to.
*What about ML: There will be an extra large offering of Machine Learning this spring, so we should be able to accommodate seniors and juniors.
*Why don’t you just add more space: We try to adjust courses with more space as needed when possible. There are a lot of restrictions, but I promise we’ll be doing the best we can. Adding it to your MyPlan is a good way to help us project demand
*New Building – Yay! And finally, we hope you are all enjoying your beautiful new building. Please help us take good care of it and let us know if there are any issues.
Thank you for your patience!
~CSE Advising: Crystal, Jenifer, Maggie, Chloe, Leslie, Kim and Pim