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Summer course line-up and More on spring registration

We can now share the courses that we are planning on offering this summer.   Things can change, but we have a fairly high level of certainty that we will offer 331, 332, 333, 341, 344, and 351 during summer quarter 2019.

Additionally, I wanted to clear up something about 401 this spring.  If you took 401 with Hal Perkins and you want to take 401 with Ras Bodik for credit, you should sign up for 401 this spring.  The course number will change during the quarter to CSE 402 which is the new course number for Professor Bodik’s course.   Although at first it will seem you’re repeating a course, since the number will change mid-qtr, you will not actually be repeating a course and will receive credit for both.

CSE 452 prereqs have been officially changed to 451 recommended so if you are trying to sign up for that course you should be able to during registration.

And finally, if you were pre-approved for a capstone, we hope to have the add codes out by next Friday when registration begins.  We still have quite a bit of room in the two diversity capstones, CSE 482 A and B, so keep a look out for those if you’re interested.

~ CSE Advising

February 9, 2019