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The 2019 Washington State Opportunity Scholarship is now open!

The Washington State Opportunity Scholarship (WSOS) prepares and launches Washington students into the careers that fuel our state’s economy. We provide students with up to $22,500 in scholarship funding for up to five years and connect them with peer and professional mentors to help them achieve success from the first day on campus to their first day on the job.
If you or someone you know is pursuing or intending to pursue a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) or health care major we encourage you to learn more and apply! 
The scholarship application is due by February 28, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

Getting Started
Here’s what applicants need to complete their application:
Create an account using the Scholarship Application Portal. Complete all sections of the application. The portal allows you to save your work and return to complete at a later time.Respond to two essay questions.Send the required official transcript or score report to WSOS (1414 31st Ave. S., Suite 302, Seattle, WA 98144) no later than two business days after the application deadline.Submit the FAFSA or WASFA for the upcoming academic year, no later than March 4, 2019

Eligibility Criteria
Earned a high school diploma or GED from a Washington state high school or institution by June 2019 and have a cumulative GPA of 2.75.Currently pursuing or intend to pursue a STEM or health care bachelor’s degree (see list of eligible majors).Reside in Washington state, and plan to attend a Washington state college or university in the fall of 2010 (see list of eligible colleges or universities).Have a household income that does not exceed 125% of Washington state median family income.
Please visit our website for additional questions and to see the full list of eligibilityrequirements.

Register for the 2019 Scholarship Application Train the Trainer Webinar
We will be hosting our first Scholarship Application Train the Trainer Webinar on January 16, 2019 at 11 a.m. We encourage anyone who works directly with eligible students and is interested in learning about the scholarship to join. In this session, we will provide overview of the scholarship and introduce the application toolkit. Additionally, participants will learn how to navigate the scholarship application portal and the promotional toolkit so that they can support students in successfully completing an application. Register today!

Questions? We’re here to help! Please contact
Click here for the application
 Washington State Opportunity Scholarship
Visit our website
January 4, 2019