Hello CSE students,
I have some numbers I think you’ll find interesting. First, most students take approximately 2 CSE courses/qtr, while some take fewer, and some take more. That’s expected. There is an anomaly that takes place every registration cycle however…..
Fall 2018: currently registered
- 4 students are taking 4 CSE courses
- 118 students are taking 3 CSE courses
Winter 2019:
- 24 students are signed up for 4 CSE courses (a 500% increase)
- 236 students are signed up for 3 CSE courses (a 100% increase)
So, either a whole lot of you decided to suddenly increase the number of CSE courses you’re taking, or there is a whole lot of hoarding going on. Even if half of these students dropped the course they likely aren’t really planning to take, we’d free up a lot of room. We’ll be looking at ways to limit this behavior in the future, but for now, we really need your cooperation.
Every time I send a message like this I get a few tortured souls explaining that they have a good reason. It’s okay, we don’t think poorly of you IF you have a REALLY GOOD reason to be doing this, or truly plan to take these courses. You don’t need to write to us to justify your courses. However, my math shows that there are a lot of you who don’t plan to take all that you are registered for, and that is causing a lot of problems for your peers. We ask you to please do your best to figure out your schedule quickly, so that we can help all students get into courses that they need for winter.
Thank you for your help,
CSE Advising