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New History of Computing Seminar winter 2019

Are you interested in exploring the rich and fascinating history of computer science? Do you want to learn more from Allen School faculty and other guest speakers about their experiences in the field over the last few decades?


We are excited to offer a new 1 credit (C/NC) History of Computing seminar this Winter for students interested in exploring the origins of different areas in computer science, including the History of Information Technology, History of Ethics in Technology, History of Computer Graphics, History of Programming Languages, and more.

Throughout the seminar, students will:

  • Learn about historical milestones, innovations, and papers which have helped shape the field of computer science.

  • Discuss different macro- (e.g. 20th century politics, economies, education) and micro-level (course projects, interdisciplinary collaborations between departments, undergraduate research, etc.) factors impacting innovation in the field.

  • Explore the history of computing as a multi-dimensional network of events and influences, rather than a linear timeline of technological breakthroughs.

  • Develop a better understanding of the work that led to the fundamental algorithms, tools, and applications of CS courses they are taking.


The format will be a weekly presentation/discussion from Allen School faculty and other guest speakers sharing their perspectives, case studies, and/or contributions to a particular area in CS. We are hoping to also take students on a field trip to the Living Computer Museum here in Seattle one week!


When: 2:30-3:50PM on Tuesdays

Prerequisites: CSE 143

CSE 490 H1

November 2, 2018