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UW Business in Gaming panel: Fostering Diversity in the Industry

The UW Consulting and Business Development Center is bringing UW students together by presenting a look into the business side of the $138 Billion a year gaming industry. Come hear from leaders in the field about the technological advancements in the business operations of the gaming industry, the best paths to a career in gaming, and how they are growing and highlighting diversity within their business operations.

October 22: 3:30-5PM,

Anthony’s Forum(Dempsey Hall, Room 302)

Panel: Fostering Diversity in the Industry

Representatives from Xbox, Activision Blizzard, Twitch Prime, Bungie, and Accenture

RSVP here:

Marketing & Events Intern
Consulting and Business Development Center
Michael G. Foster School of Business | Class of 2019
Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

Mackenzie Hall 124 Box 353200
Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington
541.206.1397 Seattle, WA 98195

October 5, 2018