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Programming contest!

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Martin Kellogg <>
Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 3:46 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Programming contest!
To: <>
Cc: Stuart Reges <>


Each year, UW competes in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). We attend a regional contest in early November — this year it’s on Saturday, November 3rd. If a team does well enough, then they advance to the ICPC world finals — this year held in Porto, Portugal.
Regardless of how well each team does, the students who have participated in the past have had a great time, both at the qualifier and at the regional contest itself. And students who do participate find it helps them tremendously in job interviews.
Unfortunately, we’re limited in how many teams we can send to the regional contest. So, we’ll host our own qualifying contest on Saturday, October 13th right here at UW. If you’d like to compete, you can register your team here (register by 5pm on Thursday, October 11th so that we have an accurate count for how much food to order for lunch). You’ll need to form a team of three before registering. If you don’t have a team, you use this spreadsheet to try to find other people looking for teammates! You’ll still have to register using the other form once you’ve formed a team.
The basics of the contest: teams of three have five hours to try to solve a series of programming problems of varying difficulty. Submissions are judged both by a computer using test cases and by human judges (usually engineers from local tech companies!) for correctness. We’ll provide lunch. The contest will take place in the basement labs in the Allen Center. The top five (and maybe more, depending on how much space is available at the regional contest) teams will advance to the regional contest.

Cs-ugrads mailing list

October 2, 2018