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Putnam Mathematical Competition / Math 380

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 4:35 PM
Subject: Putnam Mathematical Competition / Math 380
To: Cs-Ugrads <>, Ugrad Advisor <>, Crystal Eney <>

The Putnam Mathematical Competition is the premier international math
competition. UW teams have fared well, thanks to a superb prep class
taught by Mathematics professors Ioana Dumitriu and Julia Pevtsova.
Allen School students have often participated, enjoyed it, and done
well. Ioana and Julia asked me to forward to you the announcement below for
this year’s prep class, and to encourage you to participate. It’s a
great experience!

Weekly meetings:

Mondays, 6-8PM, Padelford C-36
starting on Monday, October 1

Competition date: Saturday, December 1
Practice Exam: Monday, October 8
Learn problem solving skills in:

Number T heory
Geometry and T rigonometry
Sequences and Series
F unctional Relations


For more information, see the Putnam at UW page∼putnam/putpage.html
and the Math 380, The Art of Problem Solving page∼putnam/m380 aut18.html

Faculty Contact/Sponsors:

Prof. Julia Pevtsova, Prof. Jonah Ostroff,

September 28, 2018