There are still 6 spaces left in the Virtual Reality Capstone this fall quarter. It’s going to be a great course. There is a glitch with the registration system only allowing up to 25 students to enroll but we can take up to 28. Class meets this Thursday. Attend in person on Thursday to learn more if you’re interested. SLN 23473 CSE 481V
Advanced animation course for students with graphics experience ideally. Email Barbara Mones for an add code:
Class description:
Over the past few years more and more entertainment verticals are moving away from offline rendering technology in favor of real-time engines. The main objective of this course is to cover the techniques and strategies used for creating content for runtime environments. Students will be introduced to various 3D engines and runtime development pipelines built to increase the efficiency of 3D production. Beyond pipeline development, shading, lighting, and effects for runtime will also be covered.
Over the past few years more and more entertainment verticals are moving away from offline rendering technology in favor of real-time engines. The main objective of this course is to cover the techniques and strategies used for creating content for runtime environments. Students will be introduced to various 3D engines and runtime development pipelines built to increase the efficiency of 3D production. Beyond pipeline development, shading, lighting, and effects for runtime will also be covered.