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Community discussion next week for students of color from underrepresented groups

The Allen School is committed to supporting a diverse student population. We know that the inclusion of students who identify as Black, Hispanic, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and/or Native American at the moment is unfortunately low in all of our courses and in our major. We’d like to invite all current CSE majors who identify with one of these underrepresented groups to a community roundtable discussion for underrepresented students of color. We are hoping to get your valuable input about:
– What have you enjoyed about the courses you have taken in the Allen school so far?
– What might have made your experience better?
– Although you are expected to turn in independent work for your classes (except where the assignment specifically involves group work), many students find it helpful to study in groups. Has this been helpful for you? How do these groups tend to form?
– Brainstorming ideas on how to continue to make the Allen school an inclusive environment for all.
Community discussion for students of color from underrepresented groups: 
When: Thursday, May 24, 4:30-6:30pm
Where: Gates Commons, Paul G Allen Center (6th floor)
What: Dinner and discussion.
RSVP by May 19th (so we can order food!) by responding to this form when you are logged in with your UW NETID (not your CSE ID): 
Please bring a friend who also would benefit from this discussion!  We are hoping to reach as many underrepresented students who have started and/or completed a CS course in the last two quarters.
I hope to see you on the 24th!!

About me: I am a first year lecturer in the Allen school with three main focuses: teaching CSE classes (currently CSE 154), K-12 outreach, and teaching the STARS CSE workshops. I am also a member of the Allen School’s diversity committee. I graduated from CSE (back when we lived over in beautiful Sieg hall), when there were very few women in the department and in the college of engineering and I know how much of an impact it made when the department and university started to support women in STEM initiatives like ACM-W and SWE. My hope is that we can find a way to support the underrepresented students in the Allen school in a similar way.
May 18, 2018