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Reminder: PLEASE enter your intended courses for 2018-2019 into MyPlan, and announcing release of new tentative time schedule

Another reminder to please go into your MyPlan before Friday to enter your intended schedule for the academic year. Even if it’s a rough draft it’s extremely helpful for us to see where the pressure points are.  Right now we are debating whether to increase some class sizes, and so far the data isn’t convincing My guess is many of you still haven’t filled out the MyPlan schedule for next year yet.  Please try to get this done soon.

Additionally, we have posted the TENTATIVE teaching schedule for 2018-2019.    Courses might still change, but this is our best guess for the upcoming year.  It’s possible we’ll still add some courses, but still a chance something might move too.

A few things to note:

  • 401 in the fall will be with Hal Perkins and there will be a CSEM 501 linked course
  • 401 with Ras will be taught in the spring and we hope to rename it to something else since the two courses have diverged. A student could likely take both courses if they want to.
  • 455 in winter is the most tentative, so if something was going to be removed, that might be one to have a plan B
  • There are a few double offerings: 311, 332 and 351 in fall, 312 and 332 in winter, and 311, 351, 331, 333, and 446 in spring
  • There is a new 300 level course in spring (probably will be numbered 340) on Interactive Systems
  • We’ll release capstone registration information in June or July hopefully – students pre-register for capstones
  • 475 the more hardware focused CE capstone will be in the fall with a CSE faculty, winter and spring by EE faculty

We’ll send more updates as we have learn about them.

Registration starts on Friday for graduating students.


May 2, 2018