If you are a graduating senior, watch for an email from Elise (elised@cs…) with details on the CSE graduation celebration. We will be sending invitations and the sign-up form for participants in mid-April. Note that attendees do not need tickets, so you can feel free to invite the whole family!
Our list of 2017-18 graduates includes everyone graduating August 2017 through August 2018. If you’ll graduate in Autumn (December) 2018 and want to attend this June’s CSE ceremony, please tell us.
Paper invitations will be sent to your address listed on MyUW. Please update address in MyUW by April 15th to make sure it goes to the right place!
If you want to attend the UW’s Commencement ceremony, you must register for the UW Commencement Ceremony separately starting May 2nd.
If you are not graduating but want to support your senior friends, you are welcome to join us on Friday, June 8.