Seattle Tracking ML hackathon
Particle track reconstruction in dense environments such as the detectors of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is a challenging pattern recognition problem. Silicon-based, high-granularity tracking sensors detect ionization charge deposited by particles as they propagate through the detector in a magnetic field. Pattern recognition tracking algorithms and subsequent estimation methods use this information to measure the curvature of particle trajectories and thus deduce the particles’ charge and momentum. Traditional algorithms are inherently sequential and scale poorly with the expected increases in detector occupancy in the HL-LHC conditions. Machine learning algorithms bring a lot of potential to this problem!
The challenge: A special « Seattle » simulation dataset similar to TrackML dataset is prepared, yielding 5000 points to be connected into 500 tracks. Seattle hackathon participants will be more than welcome to participate to TrackML challenge in kaggle platform as soon as it is online.
Two starting kit algorithms will be provided, one using sk-learn DBscan, one using Hough transform. Participants are invited to beat the baselines from the starting-kit, either by improvement of the starting kits algorithms or by brand new algorithms.Honorary prizes will be granted based on the best scores, but also for promising original algorithms, or tools which can help with the development of algorithms, for example : a matplotlib tool allowing the visualisation of tracks in a notebook, or a function (not using the ground truth) yielding a score which tends maximal for a well reconstructed track, from its compatibility with the accepted trajectory.
Time: March 20 (Tuesday) 4PM to March 21 (Wed) 11:59pm.
Orientation: A local orientation session is scheduled on Tuesday 4pm-7:15pm in the e-Science studio. Prizes will be announced Thursday morning.
Hackathon Registration: (individual registration even if you intend to participate as a team).
Prerequisite: The Seattle hackathon will run on Codalab (, which will run the scoring on display the leaderboard. Participants are invited to install before the hackathon anaconda ( python 3 ) on their laptop from, or have access to a remote platform with similar software (or team up with a friend who has). The starting kit will use jupyter notebook, matplotlib, sk-learn, as available from anaconda.
More Info:
Questions! Contact Prof. Shih-Chieh Hsu <>
Sponsors: Connecting The Dots workshop, UW Physics Department, eScience Institute