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STATNORTHWEST: A half-day conference for students of all levels from historically underrepresented groups

April 14, 2018
12:30PM – 5:00PM

South Campus Center, Room 316

A half-day conference for students of all levels from historically
underrepresented groups interested in learning about careers and
advanced degrees in statistics, biostatistics, and data science.


• Discover career opportunities in industry, academia, and research from
statisticians, biostatisticians, and data scientists at esteemed Pacific Northwest
institutions, including Amazon, NanoString, Fred Hutch, and the University of
• Network with faculty, clinical researchers, data scientists, and current
graduate students.
• Learn how to apply to and succeed in graduate programs in statistics and
• See a sampling of the cutting-edge research happening at UW.
Attendance is free, but space is limited!

For more information, or to RSVP, check out our website:

Welcome to StatNorthwest!


March 13, 2018